Google to Block Firearm, Ammunition, Gun Accessory Ads
Google to Block Firearm, Ammunition, Gun Accessory Ads
Beginning in September, Google plans to block firearm, ammunition, and gun accessory ads.
According to Google Support’s “Dangerous Products or Services” page, the company “[wants] to keep people safe both online and offline, so [they] won’t allow the promotion of some products or services that cause damage, harm, or injury.”
Included in the dangerous products for which ads will be blocked are “Guns & Parts.” This covers “functional devices that appear to discharge a projectile at high velocity, whether for sport, self-defense, or combat.”
Also included is a ban on ads for “any part or component that’s necessary to the function of a gun or intended for attachment to a gun.” This covers “gun scopes, ammunition, ammunition clips or belts.”
The ban will also halt ads for “dangerous knives… throwing stars, brass knuckles, [and] crossbows,” among other things.
Google Support says the ads that will be banned “are subject to change.”