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Washington Post propaganda claims Muslims shouldn’t condemn Islamist terrorism


Washington Post propaganda claims Muslims shouldn’t condemn Islamist terrorism, because white males are the real terrorists

The Washington Post‘s editorial pages are once again being used to spread hate, discontent and propaganda, this time as a defense against Islamist extremists who belong to organizations dedicated to the murder of as many Western “infidels” as possible.

In a piece headlined, “Stop asking me to condemn terrorists just because I’m Muslim,” Rana Elmir, a far-Left pseudo-academic deputy director of the ACLU of Michigan and a frequent lecturer on issues related to Islamophobia, free speech and the intersection of race, faith and gender, writes that she “emphatically” resists any call by some in the media, in politics and in other sectors of society to condemn Islamist terrorists.

Oh, those terrorist organizations – Islamic State, al Qaeda, Boko Haram, al Shabab and others – are “foreign” to her, she admits, in a weak attempt at condemnation. But it only came with this qualifier: That terror is just as foreign as “the terror advanced by mostly white men at the alarming rate of one mass killing every two weeks in this country.” [emphasis added]

Don’t lecture the victims

It’s become standard operating procedure for liberals – especially radical feminists and victim-status minorities – to blame everything that is wrong with America on “white men,” while ensuring that they never recognize the many contributions whites have made to America (and that list is long and distinguished), like helping to create a social environment in this country where Muslim women are allowed to speak their minds without getting raped, mutilated or killed for doing so.

It’s also become SOP for Muslims of either gender to give the violent nature of Islam a pass, even when it is patently obvious that terrorism, as well as the genocidal rape of nations and the murder of innocent women and children the world over who may have the same view of Islam as Ms. Elmir, are all acts that are being carried out by other Muslims.

Continuing, Ms. Elmir stays with the “oppressive white male” theme:

Therefore, just as I have never been asked to condemn Dylann Storm Roof’s attack on parishioners of a historic black church in South Carolina, Robert Dear’s attack on a Planned Parenthood facility, the murder of 20 children at Sandy Hook Elementary School, or the slaughter of moviegoers in Colorado or Louisiana, I will not be bullied into condemning terror perpetrated by psychopaths who misrepresent and distort Islam for their deranged purposes.

Mass murder carried out by deranged persons – of any skin color – is quite a different thing from mass murder taking the form of terrorism and carried out by adherents to a particular religious sect or ideology trying to impose it on others, Ms. Elmir (not to mention that your “one mass killing every two weeks” claim is either blatantly false or intentionally deceptive). You might think that way too if, say, Christian armies were rampaging through the Middle East and Christian extremists were murdering innocents in cities throughout the same region “in the name of God,” because adherents to all other religions are supposedly less human and not worthy of humane treatment.

“Not surprisingly,” she continues, “nativist rhetoric and policies targeting American Muslims always start with the same feral calls for condemnation . [sic] Asking us to apologize for violence that has orphaned generations of Muslims has the perverse effect of re-victimizing us by erasing our humanity and experiences.”

Your straw man argument won’t wash

Nobody’s “erasing” your “humanity and experiences” in the act of seeking Muslim allies who would publicly speak out with authority against Muslim-centric terrorism, Ms. Elmir. What other ethnic or religious group could command such moral authority? Do you seriously not see the difference? And if asking you to speak out in defense of your adopted country is “nativist,” then you’ve obviously not fully adopted the one country where you are allowed to be all your Muslim self wants to be – without fear of persecution and death.

“There is no other acceptable scenario in which the media, politicians and even our president would urge and expect victims to apologize publicly and rout out the ideology that contributed to their own persecution,” she said.

“Close to 90 percent of the victims of Daesh are Muslims,” she wrote, without mentioning that the majority of terrorist attacks are also carried out by Muslims.

Nobody’s asking you to “apologize” for Muslim extremists, Ms. Elmir. And seriously, how does the victimization of Muslims by Islamist terrorists prevent you from denouncing extremist violence carried out in the name of your religion?

Manufactured Left-wing outrage like yours is getting old, Ms. Elmir, as are your excuses for refusing to condemn violence perpetrated by fellow adherents of your religion. What’s more, your attempt to shift attention and blame from that form of religious violence onto some (white) straw man is as hollow as it is pathetic.

Just because you refuse to condemn the condemnable within your own religion gives you no license or right to criticize those of us who “dare” to point out the obvious. If that kind of free expression bothers you, maybe you’re in the wrong line of work and maybe you’re living in the wrong country.

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