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NO COLLUSION: Attorney General William Barr Releases Mueller’s Findings, Finds No Evidence Of Conspiracy, Obstruction

A letter released to Congress by Attorney General William Barr Sunday afternoon claims that Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence “to establish that the President was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian election interference.”

“The Special Counsel found no evidence that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired with the Russians to influence the election, despite offers by the Russians to do so,” the report reads.

The four page letter, available from the House Judiciary Committee, however, says that while Mueller’s “report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,'” leaving the final conclusions up to Congress and other judicial bodies. The Department of Justice, however, will not prosecute.

Mueller’s investigation, Barr says, was nothing if not thorough. Mueller used a team of 19 lawyers and 40 FBI special agents to issue “more than 2,800 subpoenas,” execute “nearly 500 search warrants,” obtain “more than 230 orders for communication records,” issue requests to 13 foreign countries and interview more than 500 witnesses.

The Special Counsel found that, despite overt efforts on the part of Russian officials and the Russian-controlled “Internet Research Agency” to influence the election through on- and off-line misinformation campaigns, no members of the Trump Campaign — or any Americans, for that matter — collaborated with the Russians in their efforts.

Charges of obstruction of justice, routinely leveled at President Donald Trump over the course of Mueller’s investigation, have also come to naught. Although the report lists actions Trump took during the course of the investigation that could be considered “obstruction,” upon review of the Special Counsel’s report, neither Barr nor Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein felt that those actions rose to a level requiring further inquiry or prosecution.

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