Communist China: ‘Private Ownership Of Guns’ In U.S. ‘Serious Problem,’ Must ‘Change’
By Ryan Saavedra
Communist China, which currently has millions of people locked away in concentration camps, said in state-controlled media this week that the Second Amendment is a “serious problem” and that there needs to be “change” in how the American public views “private ownership of guns.”
The Global Times, which is Chinese state-run media, published the op-ed after a good guy with a gun in Texas stopped a shooting in a church.
China mocked the United States, saying that “shootings are shocking in a US allegedly governed by law”:
Private gun ownership is a tradition from the early days at the founding of the US. In a modern society, the problems created by this tradition have already exceeded the benefits. …
American society has already seen serious problems caused by the private ownership of guns, but their massive number has contributed to an enormous inertia. Many interest groups have benefited from it and some ordinary people have truly gained a sense of safety. To change this habit which has lasted hundreds of years, tremendous political courage and a rearrangement of interests is required.
Facts have proved that the US system is unable to handle the intricacies of countless issues around guns including politics, economics, law and order and public psychology. The country can neither manage the safe storage and use of so many guns owned by ordinary people, nor can it establish a new national system that bans or strictly restricts guns. It cannot even form an overwhelming opinion regarding gun issues.
China’s attack on the Second Amendment comes after Hong Kong protesters have requested to have their own Second Amendment so they can defend themselves from the oppressive communist Chinese government.
The Wall Street Journal reported on Saturday that Chinese dictator Xi Jinping had received a title that was normally reserved for Communist China’s founder Mao Zedong, who is the most prolific mass murderer in human history:
During a two-day meeting that ended Friday, chaired by Mr. Xi, the party’s 25-member Politburo hailed his policies as visionary and described him as the renmin lingxiu, or “people’s leader,” a designation that directly echoes an accolade most closely associated with Communist China’s founder Mao Zedong.
Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) fired back at Xi in a statement that highlighted just a few of the horrifying human rights abuses that communist China is inflicting on its citizens. Sasse wrote:
If Chairman Xi is the “people’s leader,” who are the people? When Chairman Xi talks about “the people,” he doesn’t mean the Uyghurs in torture camps. When Chairman Xi talks about “the people,’ he doesn’t mean the Falun Gong prisoners whose organs are harvested. When Chairman Xi talks about “the people,” he doesn’t mean the baby girls who were left to die under China’s one-child policy. When Chairman Xi talks about “the people,” he means what every communist hack before him has meant: not the people but the communist party.
As The Daily Wire has highlighted, “China has been under intense scrutiny as the communist nation has millions of Muslims locked in concentration camps, is harvesting organs from detainees, and has created a massive surveillance state that it is reportedly exporting to countries around the world.”