Black Lives Matter Protesters Target White People Eating Brunch
Black Lives Matter Protesters Target White People Eating Brunch Movement ends with ridicule as demonstrators crash restaurants Black Lives Matter protesters demonstrated against police brutality across New York on Sunday by interrupting white people eating brunch, a clear sign that the movement which, started with unrest in Ferguson, Missouri back in November, is beginning to lose steam. Social justice warriors tweeted out photos of handfuls of demonstrators crashing cafes and restaurants with captions such as, “ATTN WHITE Man, I have no guilt disturbing your brunch. Its YOU that has no right to be here.” Camila ibanez @QuePasaApaza ATTN...
Black Lives Matter Protesters Target White People Eating Brunch Movement ends with ridicule as demonstrators crash restaurants Black Lives Matter protesters demonstrated against police brutality across New York on Sunday by interrupting white people eating brunch, a clear...
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