Tag Archive: coddles home invader

on April 15, 2015 in World News

Judge scolds ‘racist’ 3-year-old victim, coddles home invader

Judge scolds ‘racist’ 3-year-old victim, coddles home invader ‘Deeply offended’ after tot admits to fear of ‘all black men’ A judge in Kentucky handed down a light sentence for an armed home robber who frightened a little girl, 3, after expressing outrage and offense over a section of the victim-impact statement declaring the toddler was now scared of black men. The robber was black; the judge was black; the victims – a mother, father and their 3-year-old daughter – were white. The parents argued for a tough sentence for the man convicted of busting into their Louisville home at...

Judge scolds ‘racist’ 3-year-old victim, coddles home invader ‘Deeply offended’ after tot admits to fear of ‘all black men’ A judge in Kentucky handed down a light sentence for an armed home robber who frightened a little girl, 3,...

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