Tag Archive: Colorado Coroner Blows the Whistle on Falsely Reported COVID-19 Deaths Used to Foment Mass Hysteria

on December 18, 2020 in World News

Colorado Coroner Blows the Whistle on Falsely Reported COVID-19 Deaths Used to Foment Mass Hysteria

By Shane Trejo The scamdemic continues. A coroner in Grand County, Colo. is blowing the whistle about bogus numbers of COVID-19 deaths that are being reported to continue the nationwide mass hysteria over the largely benign virus. The coroner, Brenda Bock, is calling out the state health department for classifying two out of five deaths that she reviewed as being COVID related despite the fact that these individuals had gunshot wounds. Bock noted that these individuals were used to pad the state-wide total of COVID deaths. “It’s absurd that they would even put that on there,” she said. “Would...

By Shane Trejo The scamdemic continues. A coroner in Grand County, Colo. is blowing the whistle about bogus numbers of COVID-19 deaths that are being reported to continue the nationwide mass hysteria over the largely benign virus. The coroner,...

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