Tag Archive: GOP Lawmakers Release BLISTERING VIDEO=> DNC and Deep State Hacks LIED TO FISA COURT to Spy on Trump Campaign! #LockThemUp

on February 10, 2018 in World News

GOP Lawmakers Release BLISTERING VIDEO=> DNC and Deep State Hacks LIED TO FISA COURT to Spy on Trump Campaign! #LockThemUp

by Jim Hoft This is devastating! DNC AND DEEP STATE HACKS LIED TO FISA COURT TO SPY ON TRUMP CAMPAIGN! LOCK THEM UP NOW! Republican lawmakers put together this video that explains how the DNC and Deep State Crooks lied to the FISA Court to spy on the Trump Campaign! …And how Democrats continue to lie today.  Sean Hannity says we are seeing just a sliver of the DNC-Deep State corruption right now. Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy posted this video on Thursday. This needs to go viral. You deserve the truth. Here is why the FISA memo matters ↓...

by Jim Hoft This is devastating! DNC AND DEEP STATE HACKS LIED TO FISA COURT TO SPY ON TRUMP CAMPAIGN! LOCK THEM UP NOW! Republican lawmakers put together this video that explains how the DNC and Deep State Crooks...

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