FREEDOM! Jacksonville, Florida to Reopen Its Beaches Tomorrow — Swimming, Running, Fishing, Hiking and Surfing Approved
By Jim Hoft The city of Jacksonville, Florida announced on Friday the beaches would be reopened this weekend. The city of Jacksonville said today that Duval County beaches and parks will reopen tomorrow at 5 p.m. — First Coast News (@FCN2go) April 16, 2020 The beaches and parks will reopen at 5 PM on Saturday. The beaches will be open for hiking, running, swimming, taking care of pets and surfing. TRENDING: Antibody Testing Reveals Coronavirus 50-85 Times More Widespread Than Previously Known and Thus Far Less Dangerous Than Expected Go Florida!
By Jim Hoft The city of Jacksonville, Florida announced on Friday the beaches would be reopened this weekend. The city of Jacksonville said today that Duval County beaches and parks will reopen tomorrow at 5 p.m. — First...
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