in Right Edition

Phone Use During Sex – Mayor Runs over Cats for Fun

According to the new Mobile Consumer Habits study released today by Jumio, Inc. and conducted online by Harris Interactive, smartphone usage is so prevalent in Americans’ everyday lives that nearly one in ten (9%) smartphone owners admit to having used their phone during sex, along with unexpected places, such as the shower (12%), in church or other place of worship (19%), and more. The 2013 Mobile Consumer Habits study provides insight into the behaviors of Americans when it comes to their smartphones, along with their top concerns over losing their beloved device.
The study was conducted online by Harris Interactive on behalf of Jumio between June 13-17, 2013, among 2021 U.S. online adults, of whom 1102 respondents are smartphone owners/users, aged 18 and older.

Cat lovers might find this story a little disturbing.
According to reports, Huntingdon, Que., Mayor Stephane Gendron said that he tries to kill stray cats while driving his pick-up truck.
“First of all, cats have no business being in the road, if it’s a stray cat in the road, bang, I accelerate,” he said recently during his French-language radio show, according to CTV News.
The Huffington Post had this even more disturbing quote from the same radio show.
“The other day, I backed up on one, it was a newborn,” he said on-air. “I’m sure he didn’t feel anything. The pickup truck ran on it like nothing. I was so happy, yes! One less.”
Appropriately, the SPCA is investigating.
“I believe [he] stated that he enjoyed speeding up and did so when he saw a cat coming and that he had backed over a cat that had just given birth and I believe he talked about seeing kittens starve or die of thirst,” Alanna Devine of the SPCA told CTV.

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