Lady Jailed for Being Raped – Is Obama Racist?
The RCMP complaints commission has not yet begun its review of the Mounties’ seizure of guns from residents evacuated from their High River, Alta., homes.
The news comes as local RCMP finally disclosed the number of firearms they seized: 560.
24-year-old Norwegian woman was raped in Dubai in March by a coworker but was then arrested, tried and sentenced to 16 months in prison for engaging in extramarital sex. Her attacker reportedly got a shorter sentence of 13 months.
Now, the woman who has since granted media interviews in an effort to warn other women of the potential perils of traveling in Dubai says she has been pardoned and is free to leave the country.
It actually SHOULDN’T be a secret that Barack Obama is not overly fond of white people. The first clue was that he spent 20 years in Jeremiah Wright’s anti-American, anti-white, anti-Semitic church. You don’t go to a church for twenty years unless you’re in general accordance with the pastor. Barack Obama’s administration been free of charges of racism. J. Christian Adams quit Obama’s Department of Justice because the law was being enforced differently based on the race of the people involved.