in Right Edition

Fred Astaire Conservative – Upgrade your Cell

Politically, Astaire was a conservative and a lifelong Republican Party supporter though he never made his political views publicly known Along with Bing Crosby, George Murphy, Ginger Rogers, and others, he was a charter (founding) member of the Hollywood Republican Committee.[47] He was churchgoing, supportive of American military action, and was dismissive of the more open sexiness of movies in the 1970s.[46]

Always immaculately turned out, he and Cary Grant were called “the best-dressed actor[s] in American movies”.[48] Astaire remained a male fashion icon even into his later years, eschewing his trademark top hat, white tie and tails (for which he never really cared)[49] in favor of a breezy casual style of tailored sports jackets, colored shirts, cravats and slacks—the latter usually held up by the idiosyncratic use of an old tie in place of a belt.

If you are convicted of a crime, odds are that you are going to have to spend some time behind bars. However, if you are fortunate enough and live in California, and, as long as you’ve got the cash (no personal checks allowed), you can get “bumped up” to an almost bearable “cell”.
For offenders whose crimes are usually relatively minor and who have pretty big bank accounts, there are a dozen or so city jails across the state that offer pay-to-stay upgrades. These jails are clean, quiet, and you won’t have to share a room with a hardened criminal gang banger.

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