TEAM CSSA E-NEWS – August 14, 2013
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Oh joy. Imagine how enlightened Canada’s youth will become after former Liberal justice minister Allan Rock tells them how a government should work.
Responsible firearms owners hold a special place in their hearts for Allan Rock, he who tried to single-handedly quash their beloved heritage activities. Currently the president of the University of Ottawa, Rock is overseeing the creation of a new school of government. One can only hope he does a better job with that project than his notorious and moronic mess, Bill C-68.
Do Canadians seriously pine for Allan Rock as the architect of a school for government? Few parliamentarians have distinguished themselves with such obvious incompetence. He managed to bamboozle many Canadians into believing that a piece of government paper beside sport shooters’ guns would somehow make everyone safe. There is more snake oil salesman than statesman in Allan Rock, and now he’s poised to share his wisdom with the next generation via one of the country’s largest universities.
Let’s recall this June 13, 1995 gem from Allan Rock in Hansard that proves he willfully ignored the warning that his long-gun registry would break the bank:
“Those who would oppose this system traffic in fictions by pretending that the cost is an impediment. They throw around numbers like $1.5 billion to establish the system, $100 or $300 per rifle to register. They are trafficking in fictions. Someone on the west coast did a study for the Fraser Institute pretending that the cost of registration would be $1.5 billion because the cost to register a handgun under the existing system is on average $82… That person has taken that number and applied it directly to the six or seven million long arms in the inventory existing in Canada today. However, he has overlooked the fact that in the registration of the existing inventory of long arms we are going to ask only that the owners mail in a card to identify themselves and their firearms. There will be a simple CPIC check to ensure that there is no order prohibiting the owner from having firearms and then he or she will be licensed and registered. This will cost nothing like the $82 which this man pretends is going to be the cost of registration in Canada…”
Such hubris. He was warned by the experts that he was heading down an expensive road to hell, but refused to listen. He even admits that registration would be limited to law-abiding people. Is this the right person to oversee the tutoring of Canada’s future leaders? It does not bode well for Canada when the blind are so eager to lead the blind.
When asked recently by an Ottawa Citizen interviewer if he was going to impose his own political bias on the U of O students sitting at his feet, Rock says perish the thought: “I guess it will be the kind of institution that the professors make it. I’m president of a university which is not a Liberal university nor a Conservative university. It is a university, and this is going to be a school of government. I fully expect the professors, when they gather in the school, will do just as they’re doing now in the faculties and departments, which is to pursue their academic interests, their teaching responsibilities, their research projects with an open mind. This is truly non-partisan, this university, and the school of government will be the same way.”
Holding Rock to his word in the past has been a study in futility – can we expect anything different from him now?
NEW SCHOOL OF ROCK: Discussions about creating something like a school of government at the University of Ottawa were already underway when Allan Rock became president five years ago, he says. The idea, said Rock, was to bring together people with shared expertise in subjects such as governance, human rights, security and public administration, “and give it some profile because, primarily, of our location.”
A “national, non-partisan and independent” school of government the university aims to launch next year would eventually be one of U of O’s distinguishing characteristics, Rock said. “It’s going to be a magnet that will attract even more talent, both by way of the top students, and terrific faculty who want to be part of it,” he said.
“This school is going to have not only an educational function, preparing the next generation of leadership, but it’s also going to have a policy function, because it’s going to be tackling from time to time some of the major policy issues facing the country, bringing together open minds that are well-trained, that are doing solid research, that are looking at experience elsewhere and coming up with policy prescriptions and policy options to put before government on some of the great issues of our time.”…
“We’re looking at our programming options, and we’re going to put ourselves in a position where by September 2015, we’ll have students coming to the school, enrolled in courses. That’s the objective.”(Ottawa Citizen — August 11, 2013)
IS CBC FINALLY SEEING THE LIGHT? This weekend, Saskatoon’s Muzzle Loading Club took a trip back in time — to the wild west. They hosted the 7th annual Western Canadian Competition, just south of Saskatoon. You can hear the group from kilometres away. But nothing prepares a newcomer for the sight that greets them on the other side of a forested path behind Chuck and Gerry McCann’s homestead. Imagine stepping into an action scene of an old spaghetti western. There are men wearing leather chaps, cowboy boots and hats, donning vests with shiny badges that read Single Action Shooting Society. Large silver pistols hang ready at their hips. The women could be Annie Oakley’s kin — and they load their long-necked rifles in their dresses and corsettes. And the air is thick with gun power. A furious competition between rival posses is underway. And the entire three-day competition is a battle for the fastest, most accurate shot.
This weekend, 56 shooters have come to the McCanns’ place to camp out and shoot — through windows and doors of façades made to look like old-fashioned prairie banks and barns. And everyone’s journey to the shoot-out is a little different. Flora Kupsch — aka Kanada Girl — used to be frightened of guns. Until, at age 46, she picked up a gun and gave it a shot. “Kanada Kid — which is my ex-husband now, we were married before — he got me started into this. I used to watch, just a spectator basically for three years and then he said, ‘No you are shooting!’”
Now Kupsch, 53, is a wanted competitor. She holds the prestigious title of Top Lady Gun and has won numerous titles throughout North America. And all the western-style shooters here are all vying for the title of Top Gun. This year the McCanns decided the theme for the gun-shooting competition should be Saskatchewan Outlaws. And the name they gave this year’s event is fitting: Shoot Out at Bounty Gulch.
And naturally, half the fun is really in the western alias they each take on and the camaraderie to be found in the adult-play. “Do you know, I love the shooting, I really do — I love to shoot — it is an adrenaline thrill and what not. But I love the people. You know, the fellowship with the cowboy community is incredible,” says Gerry McCann. The Shoot Out wraps up with awards and an old-time promenade. This really is the place to be if you are a true gun-slinging cowboy or girl. (CC News – August 10, 2013)
GUNTER OFFERS SANE GUIDANCE TO RCMP: I have some advice for the RCMP regarding the High River Gun Grab: When you find yourselves in a hole, stop digging. The Mounties simply can’t admit they were wrong to break into homes in the flooded southern Alberta town in June and confiscate all the firearms they could find. Nor will they admit they specifically targeted guns for seizure and took them from locked storage if they had to. Late this week, High River resident Greg Kvisle explained to reporters that Mounties had taken two old rifles from his home while he was subject to the provincial evacuation order that cleared out the town of 13,000. What makes that so damning for the RCMP is that Kvisle’s home was untouched by the raging waters. Also, the RCMP had to enter his home three times before they found his guns unloaded and hidden behind piles of boxes in a basement utility room. All along Mounties have been saying they had only taken guns they had found by coincidence and only those that were “in plain sight.”
Since their gun grab was made known to the public, RCMP spokespeople have clung to the line that they were only entering homes under emergency powers to search for survivors trapped by floodwaters. If, in the course of that rescue effort, they happened to see a gun lying around, they had taken it “into possession” until the crisis had lifted — for safekeeping, as a public service if you will. But Kvisle’s home was in a lucky part of High River that was untouched by the rising Highwood River. Indeed, so fortunate was Kvisle’s neighbourhood that some of his neighbour’s had been allowed to stay in their homes despite the evacuation order.
Kvisle had been working out of town when the Highwood overflowed its banks. Because the police cordon around the picturesque foothills community had gone up before he returned home, Kvisle was out of his home for nearly three weeks. Yet he claims some of his neighbours who never left that day were permitted to stay. So the question becomes: If the Kvisle neighbourhood was so unaffected by the flood, why were police going into homes there in the first place? If his neighbourhood had not been swamped, then the purpose of police for entering Kvisle’s home could not have been a search for survivors. So their search for guns, at least in this case, was not coincidental with their search for frightened souls trying to ride out the disaster. It was a separate, deliberate mission… This just gets worse and worse for Mounties. (By Lorne Gunter — Calgary Sun — August 10, 2013)
DON’T FORGET TO SURF OVER TO “RIGHT EDITION” — If you’re hungry for lots of firearms news and a right-wing perspective, check out Right Edition: Views & News with Attitude. Brian Lovig brings you all the news that fits. His credo is “Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.” Check it out daily at http://rightedition.com/
WILL IT GO ROUND IN CIRCLES: San Francisco Police Chief Greg Suhr called for a nationwide gun registry at an American Bar Association meeting in the city today.
“There needs to be some form of national gun registry so we know who has them, so we know that everyone who has them is cleared, checked, responsible,” Suhr said during a panel discussion on strategies to prevent gun violence. “It gives law enforcement the best chance to keep everybody safe,” he said.
Panelist Gene Hoffman, chairman of the Calguns Foundation, a gun rights group, disagreed.
Hoffman said he supports background checks for gun buyers, but said he believes that a list linking gun owners and their weapons is “not necessarily the government’s business.”
Elizabeth Burke, managing attorney for Lawyers for a Safer America at the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, said that lawyers can help to reduce gun violence by filing lawsuits against dealers who sell firearms illegally. The panel at the Moscone Center West was part of the ABA’s annual meeting, which continues in the city through Tuesday. (Bay City News — August 9, 2013)
OBAMA TO SIGN UN TREATY WHILE CONGRESS ABSENT? Joseph Stalin’s firearms confiscation was a tremendous success for the Socialist state. Under the Tsar, Russia was one of the most heavily armed societies on earth. That all changed when Stalin and the communists took control. Stalin was able to control, starve, punish and imprison a defenseless people… after he took their guns.
But before Stalin could confiscate the guns he needed a national gun registry.
In April the United Nations passed sweeping legislation that will regulate the international arms trade and could lead to a national registry in the United States. Barack Obama is reportedly going to sign the treaty this month while Congress is on vacation.
Ammoland reported: You heard it straight from the horse’s mouth. Jay Carney said Obama will sign the UN Arms Trade Treaty “before the end of August…We believe it’s in the interest of the United States.” This is very strategic timing considering Congress is on a 5 week vacation lasting thru the month of August!
These back door tactics are nothing new for the Obama Administration, which is why we are using tactics of our own to stop his anti-gun agenda. We have the home fax numbers of every Senator so while they are absent from the Capitol we can demand they must not ratify the UN Gun Treaty once Obama signs it… See more at: http://www.libertynewsonline.com/print_article.php?editid=33719# (Liberty News Online – August 13, 2013)
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