in Right Edition

Political Corruption – App for Sharing your Leftovers

The latest round of arrests and indictments for public corruption in New York, including a Democrat State Senator, Democrat Assemblyman, Republican City Councilman and two GOP party officials has once again spurred calls for the reform of our political process. Without a doubt, political reform is needed. Over the last dozen years, more than 30 elected members of the New York State Legislature, New York City officials, staffers and party leaders have been arrested, indicted or convicted of corruption. Though it may get the gold medal, New York is certainly not alone.
If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone tell me that “getting the money out of politics would end political corruption,” I’d be able to retire. The fact of the matter is that for all the talk about campaign finance reform there is little attention paid to the root causes of the kind of scandal that all too often makes headlines in places like New York.

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Start-ups have done a lot to build up the sharing economy, just look at Couch Surfing and Lyft. But would you trade your leftover lunch with a stranger?
Smartphone app Leftover Swap hopes so. The app that is expected to launch later this month will let users barter or give away their unwanted restaurant remainders. Users who don’t want their leftovers will snap a photo of their food and post it to the app, then anyone in the area can arrange a pick up or delivery.
Co-founder Dan Newman doesn’t see it as a get-rich-quick opportunity, telling NPR, “[w]e’re not gonna make millions.”
