Liberals Use Law for Control – Political Whiskey
Liberals Use Law for Control – Political Whiskey
Liberals pretend to inhabit a pure land of enlightenment and political genius which cannot be improved. Therefore, they have no patience for any who disagree with their positions because these represent not humbly held opinions, but transparent truths. And any who disagree with obvious facts do not deserve to be treated respectfully. For example, for daring to disagree with ObamaCare, an activist wished a horrible death upon conservative kids – (see CA dem to Sen. Ted Cruz aide: I hope your kids ‘die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases’ after vote against Obamacare)
The main insight anyone needs to understand the difference between the left and right is their approach to law. Conservatives want fewer laws which exemplify principles which defend the rights of the average person so that they might be more productive and express as much liberty as possible. Liberal progressives, on the other hand, demand the law be used to create an equal society where each person can receive economic justice and equal status. Yet, much like the French Revolution, this liberal dream is destined to create a fiery end for all involved if not abandoned.
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CORINTH – Noah S. “Soggy” Sweat, Jr., a former judge and lawyer whose 1952 “Whiskey Speech” became a monument to political doubletalk, died Friday after a battle with Parkinson’s disease.
Sweat, 73, died at a Corinth nursing home. His professional and political career included stints as a legislator, district attorney, circuit court judge and college professor.
Sweat will be remembered most for his “Whiskey Speech” delivered in the Mississippi House in 1952 when lawmakers were debating legalizing liquor.
Liquor was illegal in Mississippi. But the state collected what was called a “black market” tax on it totaling millions of dollars.
Sweat, who was elected to the House in 1947 at the age of 24, served one term and delivered the speech during his last year in office.
“It was a tour de force,” Sweat said in a 1989 interview with “The Daily Corinthian” newspaper.