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New Posts: November 7, 2014



New Posts: November 7, 2014
Please forward this information to your family, friends, and fellow gun owners!

Mississippi Overwhelmingly Approves NRA-Backed Amendment 1
On Tuesday, voters exhibited a firm commitment to preserving the Magnolia State’s strong sporting traditions by ratifying NRA-supported Amendment 1 by a convincing 88 percent of the vote. Amendment 1 establishes an individual constitutional right to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife. Mississippi becomes the 18th state to add this important safeguard into the state’s constitution.

Gun Control Loses, Second Amendment Wins Big In The Midterms
One might well call it a clear denial of reality by vanquished liberals grasping for any hint that their agenda even barely survived the Republican tsunami — “it” is this wildly celebratory article on boldly declaring victory for advocates of gun control in America. Given the title of the post — “The Gun Control Movement Is Learning How To Win” — you might conclude that anti-gun forces scored big in their efforts to restrict private gun ownership…that the NRA was totally humiliated on Tuesday and sent packing by gun grabbers. But when you read the article….

Second Amendment Prevails Over Cash-Flush Anti-Gun Candidates
Despite the lavishing of funds on anti-gun candidates and statements by anti-gunners that this would be the year they would mount a head-on challenge against the powerful National Rifle Association (NRA), when the smoke cleared, candidates supporting the rights of gun owners were the clear winners.Breitbart News reported “The Second Amendment crushed gun control candidates in Senate and gubernatorial races around the country,” and added that while gun-control PACs donated heavily to anti-gun candidates, “The Second Amendment trumped their endorsement and their money.”

Supreme Court Grants BATFE Broad Leeway on “Straw Purchase” Rules in Abramski v. United States
On June 16, 2014, the United States Supreme Court issued an opinion in the case of Abramski v. United States. The ruling seemingly allows the government to require virtually any information it wants from a person buying a firearm from a federally licensed dealer, whether or not that information has any relationship to public safety or the policies of federal law.

Sharply Divided Connecticut Bar Members Vote to Abandon Brady Campaign’s Anti-gun Litigation Effort
Lawyers are generally required to be admitted to the bar association of a given jurisdiction (and to pay bar dues) before being allowed to practice in that locale. The overarching purpose of bar associations is to maintain the integrity, trust, and quality of the legal profession, and more broadly, to promote justice and the rule of law. Bar associations pursue these goals by, for example, establishing minimum standards of knowledge or competence for entering the profession, rules of professional ethics and conduct, continuing education requirements and opportunities, and free or affordable legal aid programs. Experienced, knowledgeable attorneys are rarely in complete agreement about the meaning or application of the law itself, much less politics or social policy, so when a bar deviates from its inward focus on the legal profession to an outward focus on social engineering, controversy is certain to result. The reputation of the legal profession itself is also bound to suffer.

Bloomberg’s wasted millions
Mike Bloomberg put $50 million into Tuesday’s elections, and he doesn’t have much to show for it. Someone, perhaps the Koch brothers, ought to treat him to a Big Gulp. The onetime mayor of New York City organized a group called Everytown for Gun Safety, meant to rival the National Rifle Association, and with a lot more money. The new group was supposed to put gun control on the front burner. Instead, the gun-control candidates got scorched on the back burner.

Election Eve Dump: Justice Department Turns Over 64,280 pages of Claimed ‘Executive Privilege’ Operation Fast and Furious Documents
Last night, in response to an Order from a Federal judge, the Department of Justice turned over 64,280 pages of documents that were withheld from Congress after President Obama asserted Executive Privilege on the eve of a contempt citation for Attorney General Eric Holder in June 2012. The sheer volume of last night’s document production—which consists entirely of documents that the Justice Department itself acknowledges are not covered by Executive Privilege—shows that the President and the Attorney General attempted to extend the scope of the Executive Privilege well beyond its historical boundaries to avoid disclosing documents that embarrass or otherwise implicate senior Obama Administration officials.

Voters Come Out in Strong Support of America’s Hunting Heritage and Second Amendment Right
On Tuesday, voters in Alabama, Mississippi and Maine came out in full support of protecting America’s hunting heritage and Second Amendment rights. The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) led the way to enshrine the Right to Hunt, Fish and Harvest Wildlife in the state constitutions of Alabama and Mississippi and worked with a coalition of sportsmen’s groups to protect hunters in Maine from extreme anti-hunting groups who aimed to ban traditional bear hunting methods in the state.

NRA-PVF Achieves Historic Election Victories, While Anti-Gun Billionaire Michael Bloomberg is Proven to be a Political Liability
The NRA would like to congratulate pro-Second Amendment candidates across the country who won significant victories in their respective states and districts in Tuesday’s historic elections. And the NRA would like to congratulate YOU–our members–for the role YOU played in achieving those victories!

Voters Show Strong Support for America’s Hunting Heritage and Second Amendment Rights
On Tuesday, voters in Alabama, Mississippi and Maine came out in full support of protecting America’s hunting heritage and Second Amendment rights. The NRA Political Victory Fund led the way to enshrine the Right to Hunt, Fish and Harvest Wildlife in the state constitutions of Alabama and Mississippi and worked with a coalition of sportsmen’s groups to protect hunters in Maine from extreme anti-hunting groups who aimed to ban traditional bear hunting methods in the state.

DOJ Uses Election Eve to Obscure Fast and Furious Document Dump
On November 3, the day before the midterm elections, the Department of Justice released over 64,000 pages of materials pertaining to BATFE’s Operation Fast and Furious, to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Some, including former CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson who helped break the Fast and Furious story, have suggested that the timing of the document dump was cynically calculated to ensure the release of the documents would not receive adequate press coverage.

2014 “Firearms Law and The Second Amendment Symposium” a Great Success
The 2014 “Firearms Law & The Second Amendment Symposium” was held on Saturday, October 11, 2014, at the University of Baltimore in Maryland.



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