Canadian Rights and Freedom Bulletin #198
Canadian Rights and Freedom Bulletin #198
In this issue:
• Lest We Forget… November 11 is the Day we Honour Our Veterans
• Political Accountability: Remembrance Day is NOT a National Holiday
• Firearm Politics: The Cabela’s Poppy Kerfuffle
• Freedom of Religion: The Gospel According To John (Moses Browning)
• Liberty: Prime Minister Harper’s Address to the Nation
• Political Accountability: Denigrating Nathan Cirillo and Our Veterans on Remembrance Day
• Firearm Training: How to Out-Think, Out-Shoot and Prevail on the Street, in Combat or Self-Defense
• Firearm Legal Defense: Police Can and Will Charge You Even When You Haven’t Broken Any Firearm Law
Please read the latest Canadian Rights and Freedom Bulletin and let me know what you think!
Yours in Liberty,
Christopher di Armani
PS. Please forward this message to anyone you think is interested in freedom!