in E News

New Posts: December 1, 2014


New Posts: December 1, 2014
Please forward this information to your family, friends, and fellow gun owners!

Oklahoma: Lexington City Council Attempting to Outlaw Discharge of Bows
The Lexington City Council will meet tomorrow, December 2, at 7:00 p.m. in the Luther Dean Memorial Council Chambers of Lexington City Hall at 111 East Broadway Street to discuss a proposed anti-hunting ordinance. Council members will discuss and act on an ordinance adding the discharge of a bow, crossbow, compound bow and recurve bow to “offenses against the peace.” This ordinance could ban all bow hunting and target practice within Lexington corporate limits. Lexington currently has an ordinance prohibiting the discharge of firearms.

Michigan: Senate Judiciary Committee to Hear Pro-Gun Bills Tomorrow, House to Vote on SB 977
Tomorrow, the Michigan Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to consider and vote on House Bills 5450, 5749 and 5750, part of the Air Gun Reclassification Package. Please contact members of the Senate Judiciary Committee TODAY in support of HB 5450, HB 5749 and HB 5750.

Cupp: Let’s focus on facts, not fear
What’s the difference between a semi-automatic weapon and a fully-automatic weapon? What’s the definition of an “assault weapon”? What features are cosmetic and which make a gun truly dangerous? Is there really such a thing as “high capacity ammunition”? You might not know the answers to these questions. But you’d expect the lobbyists, activists, pundits and politicians who advocate for gun control to, wouldn’t you?

Black Friday’s Boost to Firearm Ownership
Bad news for Michael Bloomberg: It turns out that Americans really like guns. While most of the focus for Black Friday is on the half-priced TVs, and Victoria Secret sales, a sizeable portion of Americans decided to head to their local gun store and pick up a new firearm.

‘New’ research on gun laws and crime was flawed
Christopher Ingraham’s “More Guns, More Crime” ignored research critical of a slightly updated, error-ridden paper by law professor John Donohue and two graduate students co-authors. Mr. Ingraham is simply wrong to claim they “now . . . added another full decade to the analysis.” Other already-published studies have considered the same recent data.

California: Fresno judge rejects delay to ending 10-day waiting period
Gun rights advocates intent on ending California’s 10-day firearm waiting period are hailing a decision by Fresno-based federal Judge Anthony W. Ishii that slaps down a delaying effort by state Attorney General Kamala Harris.

California: Attorney general appeals decision loosening concealed weapons rules
The California attorney general Wednesday asked a full federal appeals court to review a controversial gun case in hopes the court will overturn a ruling by a three-judge panel that would make it easier for someone to legally carry a concealed weapon in public.

Gunmaker Magpul finalizes departure from Colorado to protest anti-gun laws
Officials at Magpul Industries unveiled Wednesday its new facilities in Texas and Wyoming, making good on a vow to leave Colorado in response to the state’s sweeping gun control legislation.

Colorado panel keeps lead-based bullets
The chorus of voices seeking a ban on lead-based ammunition fell flat in Colorado.The Colorado Parks and Wildlife commission voted this month not to move forward on a citizen-raised proposal to prohibit lead ammunition for big-game hunting in Colorado.


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