in E News

DAILY ALERT FOR Wednesday, February 04, 2015


DAILY ALERT FOR Wednesday, February 04, 2015


Arizona: 2015 Session Begins with the Introduction of Pro- and Anti-Gun Legislation

The 2015 legislative session has begun with the introduction of some bills which would benefit law-abiding gun owners as well as other bills which would greatly infringe upon your Second Amendment rights.


Montana: Campus Carry Bill Narrowly Passes on Second Reading, Contact Your Senator NOW!

Today, the Montana Senate passed Senate Bill 143 by a 25 to 24 vote. Sponsored by Senator Cary Smith (R-27), SB 143 would prohibit restrictions on firearms on university property, though the Board of Regents would retain regulatory authority on things such as discharge, unholstered carry, dormitory storage, and possession at campus events where alcohol is served and consumed.

Gabby Gifford’s Gun Control Group ‘Just Making Stuff Up’

The NRA-ILA is suggesting Gabby Giffords’ gun control group, Americans for Responsible Solutions (ARS), ought to rename themselves “Anti-Gunners for Irresponsible Statistics” in light of their “bogus claim … about the number of firearm and car accident deaths among young people each year.”



Arkansas: Campus Carry Bill to be Considered by House Committee Tomorrow

House Bill 1077, an NRA-supported bill that seeks to allow staff members of public colleges and universities with valid Right to Carry permits to carry a firearm for personal protection while on school property, will be considered tomorrow in the House Committee on Education. This bill will face a tough vote in Committee, so it is imperative that you immediately contact members of the House Committee on Education and urge them to support HB 1077.


New Mexico: Anti-Gun House Bill 44 to Receive Public Hearing on Saturday, February 7

On Saturday at 2:00 p.m., in Room 307 of the State Capitol, the House Regulatory & Public Affairs Committee will hold a public hearing on NRA-opposed House Bill 44, sponsored by anti-gun state Representative Miguel Garcia (D-ABQ).




Indiana:Two Pro-gun Bills Pass Senate, Heading to House

This week, Senate Bill 433 was passed by the Indiana Senate and now heads to the House. SB 433, sponsored by state Senator Jim Tomes (R-49), would repeal the section of the Indiana statute that prohibits the possession, sale, receipt, or use of short barreled shotguns. These firearms are legal under federal law and regulated by the National Firearms Act of 1934. SB 433 would bring Indiana in line with federal law.



Virginia: Gun Bills to be Heard in House Subcommittee Tomorrow

Tomorrow, at 4:00 P.M., the Virginia House Militia, Police and Public Safety Subcommittee #1 will hold a hearing on multiple pro- and anti-gun bills. Your urgent action is needed to ensure that the Subcommittee votes in support of those bills that advance your Second Amendment rights and votes in opposition to those bills that infringe on your rights.

Updated: Norwegian parliament votes to repeal lead shot ban

The Norwegian parliament today (3 February) resolved by 79 votes to 16 to reintroduce lead shot for live quarry hunting outside wetlands. The decision follows a lengthy campaign by BASC’s sister organisation in Norway the Norwegian Association of Hunters and Anglers – the Jegernes Interesseorganisasjon (JI).



Attend the Cabela’s Dundee Area NRA University- February 7-8!

The annual Cabela’s NRA Weekend is right around the corner. On February 7-8th, sportsmen and gun owners in the Great Lake State will have the opportunity to attend various Second Amendment- related seminars at the Cabela’s in Dundee, Michigan. The forums will cover a range of topics, from political activism at the NRA University workshop, to the “Carrying Concealed from a Holster” forum with NRA Certified Instructor Wayne Blank. You don’t want to miss this fantastic event!



Montana: Campus Carry Bill to Receive a Vote on the Senate Floor TOMORROW

Tomorrow, Senate Bill 143 is scheduled for second reading in the Montana Senate. Sponsored by Senator Cary Smith (R-27), SB 143 would prohibit any restriction on firearms on university property.


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