in World News

Liberals Wanted Apology From Texas Commissioner Over ‘Muslim World’ Post, Here’s What They Got


Liberals Wanted Apology From Texas Commissioner Over ‘Muslim World’ Post, Here’s What They Got


There’s nothing as inspirational as when a man or woman of conviction stands firmly on what they believe, regardless of what others think or say about them.

It’s a trait the vast majority of Americans used to possess until progressivism slowly rotted away the soul of the nation through political correctness.

Well, an agriculture commissioner from Texas is defying this trend by taking a bold stand against liberals demanding he apologize for a meme he posted on Facebook about Muslims.

From TheBlaze:

Democrats are demanding an apology from Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller for posting a photo to Facebook that seems to advocate for dropping atomic bombs on Muslim populations. However, the official has taken a defiant stance and has refused to back down so far.

The photo, which was eventually removed from his public Facebook page, shows an image of an atomic bomb and reads: “Japan has been at peace with the U.S. since August 9, 1945. It’s time we made peace with the Muslim world.” The photo was shared from “The Patriots IV Drip 2″ Facebook page with the caption “#noislamknowpeace.”

“We do not agree with Obama and his political views. We ban trolls,” that page’s brief description reads.


According to the Dallas Morning News, the photo had around 3,000 likes and more than 300 comments on the Texas official’s page before it was removed on Monday around 11:15 a.m. It was posted Sunday around 5 p.m.

Todd Smith, a political consultant for Miller, told the Associated Press that he was unaware of why the post was removed from the commissioner’s social media page. But instead of being angry with Miller over the post, he said, people should focus their criticisms toward Islamic terrorists, Iranian leaders and President Barack Obama and demand apologies for their words and actions.

“It is unacceptable for Republican Sid Miller to be promoting such disgusting rhetoric. Sadly, this kind of racist, xenophobic hate speech qualifies you for higher office with Republicans’ Tea Party fringe base,” Manny Garcia, deputy executive director of the Texas Democratic Party, said in a statement. “We hope Sid Miller shows some respect for Texans and the responsibility of holding state office and issues an apology.”

Smith told the Houston Chronicle that Miller “has not made any bones about where he stands on the issue of radical Islamic terrorism.”

While I personally may not have posted this particular meme — I don’t think it’s ever a good idea to make light of the use of nuclear weapons — the man has a right to voice his thoughts, and for the most part, I agree with where he’s coming from on the issue of radical Islamic terror.

As Americans we should absolutely be furious with how Muslim terrorists have been on a rampage, killing innocent men, women, and children, including fellow citizens.

ISIS has grown in power over the last year and has inspired lone wolf terrorists here to carry out some of their dirty work. It’s time to take the kid gloves off and start dealing with this problem realistically, and unfortunately, that likely means boots on the ground.

President Obama’s weak and disastrous foreign policy — pulling out of Iraq too early — is what created the vacuum ISIS has happily filled, therefore, we need to go back, stomp out the terrorists, and correct our mistake.

This man has nothing to apologize for. Not in the slightest.

Dear Mr. Bleeding Heart Liberal, if you can’t handle this dude’s opinion, don’t go to his page.

It’s really that simple.

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