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CRPA Newswire

Five Minutes to Freedom Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article

I’ve been a gun-rights activist for nearly 10 years. I wasted a lot of time for the first five years because no one gave me the rule book you are now reading. Maybe that’s because no one had written it. This is the stuff I wish I had known starting on day one.  READ MORE

Election Games: May the odds be ever in your favor! Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article

Every year CRPA has a coordinated effort with the NRA to evaluate and rate those individuals who are in the electoral process in California. 2016 will be an extremely interesting year as gun-owners are expected to show up at the polls in record numbers to combat the ever increasing pressure to whittle away at the Second Amendment rights that we hold dear.  READ MORE

Building the perfect beast Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article
The California Secretary of State has reported voter registration data that shows that among Democrats, Republicans and folks indicating “No Party Preference” alone there are just over 16.3 million registered voters statewide. By way of comparison, private firearms activist sources indicate that there may be as many as 13 million firearms owners in the Golden State. Now, while many firearms owners ascribe to the “We’re Gun Owners and We Vote” philosophy, it’s clear that all firearms groups can do better with local and statewide races in issues of turnout and the voting of interest in support of the Second Amendment.  READ MORE


California fed up with exploitation of terrorism for gun control Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article
It would seem that the people of California are getting fed up with politicians exploiting terrorism to push more gun control. The LA Times reports a new campaign opposing Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom’s proposed ballot initiative to toughen California’s gun laws accuses the Democrat of “shamelessly exploiting” the San Bernardino terrorist attacks to win support for the measure and advance his own campaign for governor.  READ MORE

Second Amendment more important than ever Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article

The Orange County Register
Sensible officials adapt to events. That’s what has happened with conceal-carry weapons permits in Orange County the last three years under Sheriff Sandra Hutchens, as she explained to a recent meeting of the Register Editorial Board.  READ MORE

SF Weekly: S.F. is becoming ‘the city where guns are lost’ Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article

SF Weekly via CRPA
A young woman is fatally shot in San Francisco in July. An artist is gunned down in September in Oakland. Aside from lives lost to gun violence, these two deaths have another troubling similarity: the murder weapon used to belong to law enforcement.  READ MORE

Another record-breaking month of gun sales shows Democrat disconnect with gun owners Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article

Bearing Arms
As the Democrats continue to regurgitate ignorant rhetoric and maintain their push toward gun control in America, American citizens are voicing their support for the Second Amendment and their right to keep and bear arms. And not just with social media posts, either. FBI reports show the highest ever number of background checks was exceeded in the month of January, as well as citizens applying for conceal-carry licenses to carry those weapons at a pace of 82,122 a day or 3,421 an hour.  READ MORE

Slug or buckshot? Weighing the pros and cons of shotgun load Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article

By John McAdams
For those who hunt big game with a shotgun, it is important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of using a slug or a load of buckshot. Which should you use: buckshot or a slug? This debate has been raging for many years, and I probably won’t settle it for during the course of this article. However, I will discuss the pros and cons of hunting with a slug vs. buckshot and hopefully provide some good advice for prospective hunters.  READ MORE

Proper gun shop etiquette Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article

American Rifleman
Just as other public activities, such as working out at a gym or dining at a nice restaurant, are attended with their own sets of social rules and acceptable behavior, visitors to gun shops should be aware of proper in-store etiquette in order to ensure that all parties involved have a positive shopping experience. Here are a few things to keep in mind.  READ MORE

Market adjusts to surge of female shooters Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article

Bearing Arms
While it appears that most women are first buying a handgun for self-defense, an impressive number of them are branching out into hunting and rifle target shooting as well. As a result, we’re seeing a lot of guns, gear, and associated clothing being created to cater to this growth market.  READ MORE

Guns, background checks and hunting Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article

The Daily Reporter
Firearms are important to the American way of life. The right to keep and bear arms is inshrined in our Constitution as our forefathers realized that an armed populace was needed against a tyrannical government. “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” We modern Americans possess firearms for personal protection. These firearms can also be used for sport in competition as is done in international competition in the Olympics.  READ MORE



