“Larry the Cable Guy” Drops Act, Destroys Media’s Portrayal of Working Class Americans
Larry the Cable Guy, otherwise known as comedian Daniel Lawrence Whitney, slammed the mainstream media’s portrayal of America’s working class in a matter of seconds in a recent interview.
In an appearance on “The Gavin McInnes Show,” Whitney charged the media for being disappointed and hateful when those they consider to be “rednecks” don’t turn out to be the racists, sexists or bigots they have painted them as.
“They’ve drawn up this picture of how they want us to be,” Whitney told McInnis. “And when we’re not how they want us to be, they go insane. They cannot handle it.”
“When you watch all these shootings that happen, they’ll even come out and say, ‘Well, it was a white guy that was seen leaving the area with … and when it’s not, you’re right, they are so flabbergasted, and it’s because what they think we are, we aren’t,” he continued.
“And it frustrates them to no end, and that’s why they get irritated. That’s why they hate us. They hate what we stand for, they hate our values, they hate us so bad. They want it to be true, and it’s not true,” he concluded.
Whitney pretty much nailed it.
Liberals and the mainstream media have portrayed blue collar Americans across the country as backyard hicks with few values or morals, though nothing could be further from the truth.
“Rednecks” have some of the most staunch family values and love for this country and the media hate the fact that they can’t pigeonhole them as gun-toting lunatics who don’t know how the first thing about politics or anything else.
But that won’t stop them from trying.
H/T TheBlaze