The real vaccine scam is not that they cause autism, but that they don’t even work!
by: J. D. Heyes
While the mainstream media more often links conservatives to big corporations, it is liberals and the the Left wing (including the mainstream media) that shill the most for drug companies. The latter are most responsible, for example, for backing governments that force parents to vaccinate their children against their will with potentially dangerous vaccines, some of which have been linked to autism, as the heavily censored documentary film Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe reveals.
Once extremely rare, autism is now so common that most people actually know someone whose child has been diagnosed with the affliction, notes Cliff Kinkead of Accuracy in Media. Indeed, a number of parents of autistic children believe that government policies that force children to get 69 doses of 16 vaccines before the age of 18[PDF] – some containing chemical combinations that are controversial and questionable – has had a major role in boosting the number of kids with autism.
One important voice on this subject is Bob Wright, whose new book, The Wright Stuff: From NBC to Autism Speaks, is getting some attention. Having run NBC Universal for 20 years, he started the group Autism Speaks after his first grandchild was diagnosed with the condition in 2004. In his new book he claims that President Obama’s principal political adviser, Valarie Jarrett, blocked a proposal to improve the safety of vaccines so parental concerns about the vaccine–autism link could finally be addressed.
Burying the link
The Bush Administration, Wright says, killed a similar proposal because, “the White House was afraid of press reaction.” And he says that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention methodology for identifying and addressing problems with vaccines is not effective and must be improved.
Kinkead notes further:
It’s a sad commentary on the state of our media that liberal reporters and commentators are so quick to take the side of Big Pharma against parents who have seen for themselves how vaccines have led to the dramatic increase in autism. The federal government recognizes the risks and dangers, having established the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program to compensate victims of vaccines. This takes the vaccine makers off the hook for injuries and deaths caused by government-mandated vaccines. In short, Big Government is protecting Big Business from liability for their products. Wright notes that $100 million a year is paid in damages to victims of vaccines.
And in many cases, government itself is responsible because it is government dominated by leftists that mandate vaccines, most often, while extending legal protections to drug makers, thereby ensuring a major source of income for Big Pharma. Drug makers are obviously vested financially in ensuring that state and local governments mandate vaccines, and requiring them to be given sooner, at earlier ages. And all at a terrible cost, both in lives ruined and in money spent to care for those whose lives have been ruined.
But some argue that the real issue with vaccines is not so much their link to autism, but that they really don’t work in the first place.
One reader of Kinkead’s piece on Wright noted:
Yes vaccines are extremely dangerous and yes the government , medical industry and pharma funded media is engaged in a massive arse covering exercise. But the elephant in the room isn’t actually autism – as big a story as that is.
The real story is the fact that none of the vaccines actually work. The world has been hoodwinked on an astronomical scale.
Changing disease names, falsifying evidence
The writer goes on to note that a number of diseases have not really gone away; they’ve just been renamed:
Measles has been renamed roseola, fifth disease, etc;
Polio has been renamed Guillain Barre, transverse myelitis, coxsackie, MS, cerebral palsy, viral meningitis (we actually use more respirators today than we ever did iron lungs by the way it is just that iron lungs were too expensive and dangerous to keep using);
Diphtheria/pertussis were renamed respiratory syncytial virus, croup, strep, pharyngitis , tonsillitis etc;. …
Meningitis/pneumonia/sepsis blamed on Hib was renamed meningitis/pneumonia/sepsis blamed on some other bacteria;
Smallpox was renamed monkey pox/severe chicken pox.
As Natural News editor Mike Adams, author of the upcoming book Food Forensics, noted in 2012, Big Pharma firms also fake their testing data, like Merck did when allegedly falsifying its mumps vaccine data, as a pair of former Merck scientists charged in a 2010 lawsuit[PDF] against the company.