Five Scandalous Moves by US Presidential Candidate Clinton
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are the two most unpopular presidential candidates in recent American history. Therefore, the pre-election struggle will be no short of a deadly battle of words between the two politicians hoping to make the other one look worse.
Last week, Clinton said that Trump is not qualified enough to be a president. The billionaire, on the other hand, called Hillary immoral and unfair during his meetings with voters.
Hillary Clinton has been in the public spotlight since her husband, Bill, was elected governor of Arkansas in 1978. She has been a public figure for decades now and there are more than 150 books written on her, although many of them have criticized her as well.
It seems like Donald Trump will have plenty material to choose from when its his turn to attack Hillary’s character and her actions.
Presented below are five incidents for which Hillary Clinton has been widely criticized.
E-mail Scandal
In March last year, shortly before Clinton announced that she would put forward her presidential candidacy, The New York Times made a revelation: it turned out that when Clinton was the Secretary of State, she used her personal e-mail address instead of the official address of the Department of State.
The FBI launched an investigation into this matter. Two questions that were asked: how many e-mails had confidential information in them and what did those e-mail messages contain, considering that Clinton has not yet handed them over to her former employer.Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton, Hillary’s husband, was associated with a number of scandals during his 1992-2000 presidential terms. His affair with Monica Lewinsky and his lying about adultery after that almost led to his impeachment.
There were several other women who also came forward saying that they were in an intimate relationship with Bill Clinton. Some said that he even abused them.
Donald Trump used these accusations against Hillary in his recent video attack against her campaign.
In addition, Trump also wants to find new ways to attack the couple. He is looking into their so-called ‘Whitewater business’ which is related to real estate transactions in Arkansas, which are now 30 years old.
“Information about HRC / Whitewater is needed as soon as possible,” this statement was written in an e-mail message from one of Trump’s employees to the Republican Party. The email was sent by mistake to a journalist from Politico earlier this week.
Benghazi Attack
On September 11, 2012, US Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed during an attack on the US consulate in the Libyan city of Benghazi.
Later on, the Republicans in the US Congress said that Clinton did not do enough to protect the consulate. In addition, it was said that due to political motivations she claimed that the attack was not a terrorist attack, but a result of a demonstration against an anti-Islamic film.Hence, it is expected that the report by the Committee of Benghazi will appear in Congress before the elections this fall and it may be able to provide Trump with new opportunities to attack Clinton.
Clinton Fund
Hillary Clinton became a part of the ‘Bill Clinton Foundation’ after leaving her post as US Secretary of State in 2013.
The foundation took billions of kroner in donations from organizations and countries. This may be regarded as quite problematic because it was expected that Clinton would nominate herself as a candidate for presidency.
Trump, who often calls Clinton ‘unfair’, may use this fund for the prosecution of Clinton because her organization has taken such large donations.
Beneficial Speeches
Since 2001, Bill and Hillary earned more than $150 million in speech fees, according to The Washington Post.
Many of these speeches were given before the largest US banks, and those too were behind closed doors.This raises the question of a possible conflict of interests. Will Hillary Clinton be able to show firmness towards the banks and all others who so generously ‘gave out’ money to hear her speak?
Speeches by Hillary Clinton in front of these financial institutions such as Goldman Sachs, for a long time have received criticism from another presidential candidate — Bernie Sanders.
So far, Trump has not pointed out Hillary’s speeches but there are almost six months till the presidential elections so it is possible that Trump will see this as another reason to criticize Hillary Clinton in the future.