in World News

Don’t Mess with Soros: DCLeaks Website and Twitter Taken Down

By Kurt Nimmo

After the website DCLeaks posted a cache of Soros documents, its website was yanked offline. Its Twitter account was also suspended.

DCLeaks had put up 2,500 internal Open Society Foundation (OSF) documents in order to “shed light on one of the most influential networks operating worldwide,” reports The Daily Caller.

An OSF spokesperson said the leak is “a symptom of an aggressive assault on civil society and human rights activists that is taking place globally.”

Tony Cartilucci describes the Soros operation as follows:

Soros has built a global empire of networked nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) allegedly promoting “human rights,” “freedom,” “democracy,” and “transparency.” His Open Society Institute funds amongst many others, Amnesty International (page 10), Global Voices, and Human Rights Watch. In reality these NGOs constitute a modern day network of imperial administrators, undermining national governments around the world and replacing them with a homogeneous “civil society” that interlocks with “international institutions” run from and on behalf of Wall Street and London. And contrary to popular belief, Soros has built this empire, not against “conservative” ambitions, but with their full cooperation.

Kurt Nimmo is the editor of Another Day in the Empire, where this article first appeared. He is the former lead editor and writer of 

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