in World News

Cry Me a River: ‘Democrat Tears’ Being Sold on eBay in the Wake of Trump Victory

As the world slowly comes to terms with the outcome of the US presidential election, some people are already celebrating the victory of Donald Trump in their own unorthodox fashion, using sites like eBay to spread their happiness.

Less than a day after the announcement of the preliminary results and Donald Trump being proclaimed the winner and the 45th President of the United States, an eBay user cpoidom placed an unusual lot on sale – Democrat Tears.

'Democrat tears' on eBay

The seller declared that the tears in question were ‘harvested’ from “a young 30 year old liberal directly after finding out Donald Trump will make America Great Again”, adding that the ‘donor’ “was forced to cry into a funnel for your collectible pleasure.”

If cpoidom is to be believed, his merchandise can be used as a “holistic anti-aging cream,” sprinkled on one’s favorite dish “to make it even more delicious,” used as a dipping sauce or even rubbed into “work boots for a little extra bounce in your step.”

Supplies are limited so order your democrat tears today! Remember the sky is the limit for all the wondrous things you could use democrat tears for,” the seller touted.

The lot’s starting price was $0.01; by November 9, 2:33 p.m. GMT at least 10 bids had been made, driving its value up to $7.25.

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