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FLASHBACK: WaPo Publishes Study That Claims Millions of Illegal Aliens Vote

When The Washington Post’s Phil Rucker describes Trump’s belief that millions of illegal aliens voted as “his unsubstantiated theory“; when CNN’s Jake Tapper flaps his hands and screams “3 to 5 million illegal votes???“; when PolitiFact DESTROYS Trump with a “Pants on Fire,” it is all talking points and zero journalism. However, the Unified Message is pretty clear, and one we hear too often from these bullies: the science is settled, beliefs outside the settled science are heresy.

Notice, though, how across all of these media outlets, everyone is on the exact same page in their panicked rush to shut down debate by declaring Trump a liar, and a liar with “zero evidence.”

It all seems kinda coordinated, no?

And then Phase II inevitably begins, the release of the BigThink pieces that utilize words like “dangerous.” You see, if you question the science PEOPLE COULD BE HURT, so you better shut your fat mouth.

It’s just that when I see our media gang up like this, when (during a crazy-busy news day) I see a preening leftist like Tapper OPEN his CNN hour to get hysterical over Trump’s claim, my Spidey-Sense begins to tingle. And then it quotes Shakespeare, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”

And then there is this one other teensy-weensy little fact that rolls around like a marble in the back of my admittedly simple mind…

The Worst People In the World (our media) are choosing to completely ignore a 2014 study that claimed millions of illegals might indeed be voting. This is not some crank study. No less than the leftwing Washington Post found it worthy enough to publish just a little over two years ago:

In a forthcoming article in the journal Electoral Studies, we bring real data from big social science survey datasets to bear on the question of whether, to what extent, and for whom non-citizens vote in U.S. elections. Most non-citizens do not register, let alone vote. But enough do that their participation can change the outcome of close races. …

How many non-citizens participate in U.S. elections? More than 14 percent of non-citizens in both the 2008 and 2010 samples indicated that they were registered to vote. Furthermore, some of these non-citizens voted. Our best guess, based upon extrapolations from the portion of the sample with a verified vote, is that 6.4 percent of non-citizens voted in 2008 and 2.2 percent of non-citizens voted in 2010.

Because non-citizens tended to favor Democrats (Obama won more than 80 percent of the votes of non-citizens in the 2008 CCES sample), we find that this participation was large enough to plausibly account for Democratic victories in a few close elections.

It is a fascinating study based on something called “self-reporting,” which means that non-citizens admitted to voting illegally. And the study was conducted by…

Jesse Richman is Associate Professor of Political Science and International Studies at Old Dominion University, and Director of the ODU Social Science Research Center. David Earnest is Associate Professor of Political Science and International Studies at Old Dominion University, and Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Studies in the College of Arts and Letters.

Using the widely disputed Left/MSM number of 11 million illegals, this particular study claims that millions of illegal votes could have been cast during the 2008 presidential election. When you consider the focus on Hispanic turnout during the 2016 election, combined with all the talk about border walls and racism, and no less than President Obama reassuring illegals they could flood the polls without fearing any consequence… Well, you fill in the blank.

Now, is this particular study disputed?

Yes. Very much so.

And that’s fine. In fact, that’s healthy. Disputes are good. I’m an American, which means I like disputes and debate and alternate points of view.

My problem is that Phil Rucker and Jake Tapper and PolitiFact, and all of the rest of the national media, are trying to snuff out debate by LYING.

Outright, flat-out LYING.

LYING through omission by completely ignoring this study.

LYING through commission with their fraudulent claims that Trump has “no evidence.”

That is a LIE. This study is evidence.

So let’s quickly connect the dots…

1. Even though poll after poll shows that huge majorities of Americans believe a valid ID should be required to vote, our media and Democrats are willing to die on a hill to fight this common sense safeguard.


2. Any attempt to clean up outdated voter rolls is fought by these same people on that same hill. Which means who knows how many dead voters remain on voter rolls, which means that without an ID you can vote by claiming to be that person.


3. This Wall of Unified Media Lies that immediately goes up to silence anyone who brings up vote fraud is un-American.  And the bricks in this wall reek of fascism: DEBUNKED! DANGEROUS! RACIST! NO EVIDENCE! LIAR! SHUT UP!


Me? I don’t know how many illegals voted in 2016. And neither does the national media. The only difference between us, is that I would like to find out.

Thankfully, President Trump agrees:

Stay ungovernable, America.

Hat tip: Frontpage Magazine

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC

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