Bombshell: May 3rd Calendar Entry Will Clear Trump… Media in Panic Mode
The Washington Post may very well have led the American public seriously astray via its recent attacks on President Donald Trump.
The Post claimed that FBI Director James Comey wrote a memo in which he said that Trump had asked him to drop the investigation on former administration member Michael Flynn, despite a clear claim to the contrary by Comey’s successor, acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe.
What’s more frustrating than that is the fact that The Post claimed anonymous sources backed up its statements, but provided no real substance.
Just look for a second at this verbiage. This is an actual, serious line from The Washington Post that they just expect the good people of America to believe:
“‘I hope you can let this go,’ Trump said, according to the Comey notes, which were described by the associates. Comey’s written account of the meeting is two pages long and highly detailed, the associates said.”
This guy said, according to notes that we don’t actually have and were only allegedly described to us is hardly solid, hard-hitting journalism.
And although Comey has not come out and said specifically that Trump never asked him to stop investing Flynn, he certainly seemed to imply it in May 3 testimony he gave the Senate Judiciary Committee.
When asked whether senior DOJ officials could ask the FBI to drop an investigation, Comey said flat-out, “It’s not happened in my experience,” according to a transcript, provided by, once again, The Washington Post.
Although that’s not a denial of Trump himself having asked Comey to drop the investigation, there does seem to be that implication at the very least. You’d think if Trump had said something, Comey would also have said something.
In fact, The Post’s statement doesn’t mean much at all when you consider the actual on-the-record-in-front-of-witnesses claims made by acting FBI director Andrew McCabe that fly right in the face of these unsubstanited accusations.
When Sen. Marco Rubio asked McCabe before the Senate Intelligence Committee whether or not the firing of former FBI Director James Comey “in any way impeded, interrupted, stopped or negatively impacted any of the work, any investigation, or any ongoing projects at the Federal Bureau of Investigation,” McCabe’s response was even more definitive than the question given to him dictated.
“As you know, senator,” McCabe said, “the work of the men and women of the FBI continues despite any changes in circumstance, any decisions, so there has been no effort to impede our investigation to date.”
Reminder: FBI Director McCabe said last week there was “No Effort To Impede” FBI Investigation From White House.
— GOP (@GOP) May 17, 2017
Huh. No effort at all to impede our investigation to date. Interesting.
The Washington Post’s editors tried to cover themselves by saying, “It’s unclear from the questioning if McCabe was talking solely about the consequences of Comey’s abrupt firing, or referring to a specific investigation on Trump’s associates for possible connections to Russian officials.”
Yeah, right. That’s not the only thing unclear here.