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Transgendering children is “child abuse,” warns feminist scholar


A self-professing feminist and lesbian professor who teaches classes at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia says that parents who allow or subject their young children to gender reassignment surgeries and hormone therapies in order to try to turn them from one sex to another are little more than child abusers.

According to Camille Paglia, “transgender propagandists” are directly responsible for spreading wild and false claims about what she calls “the multiplicity of gender.” In her view, it’s impossible to “change anyone’s sex,” regardless of what some in the mainstream might claim to the contrary.

In 2015, Paglia made the case for her position on “Roda Viva Internacional,” a Spanish cultural program that discusses various issues of the day. Paglia was clear in stating that, from a biological standpoint, a man will always be a man, and a woman will always be a woman – gender is non-negotiable, in other words.

“You can define yourself as a trans man or a trans woman [or] one of these new gradations along the scale, but ultimately every single cell in the human body – the DNA in that cell remains coded for your biological birth [sex],” Paglia stated in a video posted to YouTube (see 12:40 in the video).

“There are a lot of lies being propagated at the present moment, which I think is not in anyone’s best interest,” she added.

Even lesbians on the left know when things have gone too far

Though such a position puts her at odds against many of her fellow LGBT members, Paglia isn’t concerned with being politically correct. In fact, she’s repeatedly spoken about other social issues that she sees as being problematic, including due process at universities and the silencing of free speech in favor of groupthink identity politics.

As far as transgenderism, Paglia has expressed deep concerns about both its popularity and its availability. Children who haven’t even reached puberty somehow deciding that they’re the opposite gender just doesn’t jive with the natural order of things – and this coming from a lesbian who, what some might say, embodies left-leaning ideals.

Having grown up in the 1950s, a time that she describes in terms of “suffocating conformism,” Paglia isn’t exactly advocating for a return to conservatism in a traditional sense. But even she can see that the gender hysteria that’s swept the nation isn’t exactly healthy, nor is it doing the next generation any favors in terms of grasping their self-identity.

“Parents are now encouraged to subject the child to procedures that I think are a form of child abuse,” Paglia says, identifying both “hormones to slow puberty” and “actual surgical manipulations” as its tools of action.

“I think that this is wrong. People should wait until they’re of an informed age of consent. Parents should not be doing this to their children. And I think that even in the teenage years it’s too soon to be making this leap. People change, people grow, and people adapt.”

Even though she herself dressed in men’s clothing as a child, and “as often as [she] could,” Paglia is convinced that at the end of the day, there are only two sexes that are biologically determined, period. No amount of going under the knife, taking drugs, or pretending will ever change this fact.”

As for hermaphrodites and others whose genders might be inherently ambiguous, Paglia says such cases are extremely rare and shouldn’t be used to set the standard for gender reassignment norms throughout society. Using these types of infrequent conditions as an excuse to deliberately transgender young children represents “a criminal violation of human rights,” and shouldn’t be tolerated, she insists.

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