in World News

Democrats Exposed Running SECOND False Flag In Alabama Senate Election

Chris Menahan

Democrats were exposed on Monday by the New York Times for running a second false flag operation during the Alabama Senate special election in 2017 to trick voters into believing Roy Moore was going to ban alcohol if elected.

From Fox News:

Alabama Republican Roy Moore was reportedly targeted by another “false flag” operation organized by Democrats who supported Doug Jones during the state’s Senate special election in 2017, according to a new report.

A New York Times story revealed Monday that Democrats created a Facebook page that gave the false impression that it was the work of Baptist teetotalers supporting Moore in the contest. That “Dry Alabama” Facebook page – which called for outlawing alcohol in the state – intended to alienate pro-business, moderate Republicans from Moore, the paper reported.

Democrats reportedly saw an opportunity to win that race after Moore was hit with allegations of past inappropriate sexual conduct with teenage girls. Jones went on to win the race.

It’s the second report in recent weeks of a stealth social media effort by pro-Jones activists.

In December, the New York Times also reported that Democratic operatives, backed by a liberal billionaire [LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman], created thousands of fake Russian accounts to give an impression the Russian government was supporting Moore. The secret project was carried out on Facebook and Twitter. After that revelation, Jones said he was “outraged” over the report and called for a federal investigation into the project.

[…]The New York Times reported that both of the false flag operations each received $100,000 and were funneled by the same progressive group called “Investing in Us.”

More from the New York Times:

There were at least two more social media operations intended to help Mr. Jones’s campaign, run by small companies called Tovo Labs and Dialectica. Neither responded to queries about their tactics. A public account by Tovo Labs of its effort described setting up websites for Christian conservatives and moderate conservatives but claimed all the content was “legitimate material” and its methods “ethical.” A pitch to potential customers from Dialectica offers “a new generation of information weapons” to battle “fake news,” and a marketing email shared with The Times says the company worked in the Alabama race’s “meme war” for at least three months.

How many dozens of other false flag campaigns did they run? I guarantee this is only scratching the surface.

Here’s some shots from their now-deleted Twitter account:

The image with the girl above is a stock photo from Getty.

As a reminder, Jonathon Morgan, the CEO of the company which wrote the recent Senate Intelligence Committee report on “Russian meddling” in the 2016 election was also involved in this scheme:


The whole “Russian meddling” conspiracy theory is nothing more than an excuse to overturn the election and crack down on all alternative media under the guise of fighting “fake news” and “Russian influence.”

This is a criminal conspiracy to overthrow our democratically elected president and shut down the real free press in America.

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