in World News

DiGenova: ‘For the first time I actually believe’ people will go to jail over ‘Spygate’

By Jon Dougherty

Former federal prosecutor Joe diGenova, long an advocate for justice to be done over the Obama-era “Spygate” scandal aimed at deposing POTUS Donald Trump said Tuesday night that for the “first time” he actually believes at least some of the co-conspirators will get some jail time.

Specifically, diGenova, who served as a federal prosecutor in the D.C. district, said that fired FBI Director James Comey and former CIA Director John Brennan should be lawyering up big time.

“This is very serious business,” he told Fox News host Laura Ingraham.

“For the first time, I believe some of these guys are going to prison,” he continued.

“Let me tell you something, [Justice Department Inspector General Michael] Horowitz has already concluded that the final three FISAs were completely illegal,” diGenova continued. “He’s now on the brink of finding that the first FISA was completely illegal.

“[U.S. Attorney John] Durham has already used a grand jury in Connecticut. They’ve already gotten documents. He’s already talked to the intel people,” diGenova said.

Ingraham asked how long Durham, a corruption specialist, has been on the case.

“Durham’s been working for a couple months. The bottom line is this. This is now – big time. This is where Brennan needs five lawyers. Comey needs five lawyers,” diGenova added.

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