in World News

Trump Is So Right About Not Letting the Coronavirus Dominate Us

John Nolteby John Nolte

Anyone who’s been reading me for any amount of time knows my wife has been fighting through some tough health issues for the past few years, and those issues have dropped her right in the strike zone of a worst case scenario should she catch the coronavirus.

Other than being overweight, she checks off all the boxes — age, lung issues, mostly bedridden… you name it.

And while I have many flaws, being reckless about my wife’s heath is not one of them. When this thing first hit I was wiping down the mail and groceries, changing my clothes in the cold garage after I got back from going out… I was wearing a mask when Dr. Fauci was telling everyone not to wear a mask.

But as time passed and my wife and I saw the numbers, saw the survival rate, saw our neighbor walk right through it, saw his family not contract it, we relaxed a bit. And today, despite my wife being right in the danger zone, it no longer dominates our lives. We’re no longer afraid of it.

We’re cautious, of course, we’re not being stupid about it. We wear masks if we can’t social distance. We wash our hands as soon as we get home and every time we get back in the car. But do you want to know what else we did?

We took a two-week vacation over the summer. We were out and about without any fear, just a touch of caution and common sense.

Caution and common sense will get us through this with our country still intact. Fear and domination will get us though this only to discover the cure was worse than the disease.

A 74-year-old overweight man who is no fan of exercise is so far beating the coronavirus, and the fake news media freaked out after he passed on this piece of wisdom: “]D]on’t let it dominate you, don’t be afraid of it. You’re going to beat it.”



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