in World News

In FOIA Request FBI Says It Never Looked at Seth Rich’s Laptop in Their Possession for Years – Does Anyone Believe This?

By Joe Hoft

In response to queries related to the Seth Rich case, the CIA has now refused to say whether it framed Russia in the Trump – Russia collusion scam.  In addition, the FBI says it never looked at Seth Rich’s laptop in their possession.

We’ve been following the Seth Rich case for years as the MSM has ignored the story labeling it a conspiracy theory. Seth Rich was a young DNC employee who was murdered in Washington, D.C. in the summer of 2016. His death was labeled a robbery but none of his personal items were taken. Many suspect that Rich provided DNC emails to WikiLeaks in the fall of 2016 before the Presidential election.

Nearly all entities involved in the case have been reluctant to release any information related to the case. The FBI, DOJ and Intel Communities have consistently stalled efforts to obtain any related investigative material related to the case.

Today Attorney Ty Clevenger, who represents a client related to the case, reported that he received a reply from the CIA and FBI regarding his FOIA requests.

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