This Brilliant Hero Doctor Says CDC Bureaucrats and Democrat Politicians Could be Guilty of Mass Murder and Crimes Against Humanity
By Wayne Allyn Root
I’ve known for well over a year now that we had an effective treatment for Covid-19. Hundreds of thousands of Americans could have been saved.
I knew about this simple, safe, inexpensive treatment with remarkable results because I’ve had a dozen brilliant doctors as guests on my nationally-syndicated radio show, “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” on USA Radio Network, to talk about their success using HCQ (hydroxychloroquine) on patients sick with Covid-19.
But one stood out over all others. His name is Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, M.D. Here is an excerpt from my national newspaper column from a year ago- syndicated in July 2020 by Creators Syndicate. It was written as a plea to President Trump…