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Jordan Peterson SLAMS Trudeau’s Treatment Of Working-Class Farmers

The world-famous Canadian clinical psychologist and free-speech advocate Dr. Jordan Peterson attacked the character of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in a recent appearance on the Lex Friedman podcast before he called the man “narcissistic” and suggested that he favors tyranny over good-faith persuasion.

“Even if Trudeau was motivated by compassion and it’s like, how loving are you first of all?” Peterson said when discussing Trudeau’s first move as prime minister, creating a ‘gender-balanced’ cabinet. “No, it was a really bad decision.”

Dr. Peterson explained to Friedman that many, including himself, hold disdain for the prime minister in part because he is arguably carrying on the legacy of his father, former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.

“I’ve watched him repeatedly and I’ve listened to him a lot and I try to do that clinically and with some degree of dispassion, and that’s hard because his father Pierre devastated [western Canada] in 1982 with the national energy policy, and Trudeau is doing the same thing again, so as a westerner as well, I have an in-built animus and one that’s well deserved, because central Canada, especially the glittery literati elite types in the Ottawa-Montreal-Toronto triangle have exploited the west, and expressed contempt for the west far too much for far too long. That’s accelerating at the moment, for example, with Trudeau’s recent attack on Canadian farmers,” he explained.


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