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‘Lunatic’ Forewoman In Trump-Georgia Case Shocks Media With Overt Bias, Trump Lawyers Pounce

Tyler Durden's Photoby Tyler Durden

This week the forewoman in the Georgia grand jury inquiry into President Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election made clear during several media interviews that the former president and his associates faced an absolutely biased jury.

In a series of media interviews, 30-year-old Atlanta-area resident, Emily Kohrs, who served as the forewoman of the special grand jury for eight months, was giddy with excitement over the ‘not short’ list of indictment recommendations that would be handed down, and that there would be no “plot twist” when the public finally gets to see their findings – particularly regarding “the big name that everyone keeps asking me about” (Trump), about which she said “I don’t think you will be shocked.”

Even leftist media called out the overt bias, with CNN‘s Anderson Cooper and Elie Honig wondering if Kohrs’ media blitz was “responsible.”

“First of all, why this person is talking on TV, I do not understand. Because, she’s clearly enjoying herself, but, I mean, is this responsible? She was the foreperson of this grand jury,” said Cooper.

No. It’s a prosecutor’s nightmare,” replied Honig. “Mark my words, Donald Trump’s team is going to make a motion if there’s an indictment to dismiss that indictment based on grand jury impropriety. She’s not supposed to be talking about anything, really. But she’s really not supposed to be talking about the deliberations.

full story and video at

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