COVID Polices: Biggest Crime Against Humanity Since WWII
By Neenah Payne
Dr. Aseem Malhotra is an award-winning cardiologist and one of the most influential cardiologists in Britain who is a leading international speaker on the prevention and treatment of heart disease. He was a big advocate of the COVID shots until his healthy 72-year-old father died of a heart attack after getting the shot. When he investigated, the data caused him to speak out against the shots. Dr. Malhotra points out in the interview below with Joe Rogan that Pfizer made $100 billion from the COVID shots but has no liability for the massive injuries or deaths. He says the COVID policy was a failure of the system. He quotes Gandhi’s famous statement shown above.
Dr. Aseem Malhotra: The Power of The Truth
Dr. Malhotra has collaborated extensively with American cardiologist Dr. Peter A McCullough. In the video below, they explain that when an intervention like the COVID shots is used, any adverse events are assumed – until proven otherwise – to have been caused by the procedure. However, the opposite happened with the COVID shots although there are more adverse reactions to the COVID shots on the government’s VAERS database than for all other vaccines combined in the last 30 years! The mantra of “safe and effective” is maintained and anyone who questions that is labeled a “conspiracy theorist”.
Dr. Malhotra described the COVID policies as “the biggest crime against humanity since World War II.” CDC stats showed in early 2020 that COVID was not a big threat and there were several inexpensive early treatments known in early 2020. So, there was no need for the expensive, rushed, experimental COVID shots. Dr. Malhotra and Dr. McCullough said, “Do not take any more COVID shots! They are all risk and no benefit!” They discussed steps people can take to protect themselves from adverse effects of the shots and detailed steps the culture must take now to protect us from Big Pharma.
I sit down with two leading cardiologists from two sides of the Atlantic, Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Aseem Malhotra, to understand how the COVID-19 vaccines impact the body, especially the heart.
“There has been a suggestion—and I think this is probably subterfuge from the PR industry of pharma—that mild COVID may be causing all the sudden cardiac deaths. And the evidence is just not there for that at all,” says Malhotra. Once an outspoken advocate of the COVID-19 genetic vaccines, Malhotra changed his mind after the sudden death of his father compelled him to take a closer look at the data.
“Roughly 15 percent of people who have taken the vaccines are damaged by them,” says McCullough, one of the most published cardiologists in America and the Chief Scientific Officer of The Wellness Company. McCullough says the risk of adverse effects from the mRNA vaccines is particularly high for those who were previously infected with COVID-19. “There are patients who are triple vaccinated, and then they get COVID. So they have a fourth exposure now of the spike protein. There is a cumulative risk here,” he says.
In this episode, the two doctors break down the data on the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, bias in the scientific literature, and what people should do if they are concerned about their health.