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Did Joe Biden Just CONFIRM Maui Was Hit By DEW Strikes?

By Noah

Out of the heart, the mouth speaks.

That’s a wise bit of wisdom, and it’s also straight out of Luke 6:45:

“A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.”

Why am I bringing that up?

Because it’s funny how your mouth will sometimes say things you didn’t even intend to say.  That’s what this verse means.

Sometimes these things just boil up and burst out when you least expect them.

And that problem is especially bad when you are old and senile and have dementia.

That’s what I believe just happened to Joe Biden, much as many prophets have claimed would start to happen.

He’d start to admit things on live TV that are so stunning you have to pause and watch it again to make sure you really heard what you thought you heard.

The latest one is absolutely stunning….

Perhaps there’s some other explanation for this, but it seems to me like Joe Biden just confirmed another one of those crazy “conspiracy theories”.

Time to move it from “conspiracy theory” over into “conspiracy truth”.

The “conspiracy truth” bucket is overflowing at this point!

We were right all along on so many different things, it’s astonishing…

In case you’re not familiar with it, after Maui burned to the ground, people started noticing some very strange things, the strangest of all was the houses with BLUE roofs were not burned.  They weren’t even touched!  So the reasonable conclusion was that whatever DEW (Directed Energy Weapon) was aimed at Maui is programmed such that it doesn’t burn the color blue.

Sounds wacky, except that’s what the evidence showed.

And now with that in mind listen to this video of Joe Biden from yesterday and tell me if he just confirmed it:


Backup here:


More here:


I can’t wait to see how they try and “spin” this one…..

I’m sure that Black Lesbian lady will come up with a real doozy of a story to explain what the “right roof” actually means in terms of a supposed “wild fire”.

They lie as easily as you and I breath….except sometimes “out of the heart, the mouth speaks”.

Now watch this video to see how the DEW laser affects different colors:


If you aren’t up to speed on everything that happened to Maui, you need to see this:

COMMON SENSE: Wendy Bell Exposes The “Maui Story” and Connects All The Dots

I had the pleasure of meeting Wendy Bell a few months ago…

And let me tell you something, she is even more feisty and fun in person than she is on her show!

That’s saying a lot, because she is not exactly reserved or held back on the air.

Wendy Bell is a truth-teller and we’re big fans of her radio show and her Newsmax show.

A 30-year news anchor veteran, Wendy knows the news business and she knows when a story doesn’t make sense.

But she doesn’t follow the MSM Talking Points and she refuses to be told what she can and can’t say on the air.

It’s why we love her and why so many of you do too.

She recently did what she does best, going live on the air and exposing all the things about the “Maui Story” that just don’t make sense.

We’ve covered a lot of them here, but it’s really incredible to hear them all together in one clip.

You need to see this….

Watch here:



Right….”just coincidences” — all of them!

Don’t ever change Wendy, keep on speaking the truth!

And a big thank you to Newsmax for letting her speak freely and HONESTLY!

Imagine that, honest reporting…what a concept!

Only a few decades ago, journalists were known for seeking out and exposing truth.

Woodward and Bernstein.

Now they’ll nothing more than talking heads pushing the Cabal Agenda.

What happened?

But there’s still some good ones out there, and Wendy Bell is one of them!

We hope to be in that club as well.

We’ve covered the Maui Story from Day 1.


full story at

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