in World News

Majority of Canadians agree media’s reliance on gov funding impedes impartial reporting

By Noah Jarvis, True North Wire

As Prime Minister Justin Trudeau continues to lavish the media sector with taxpayer funding, a majority of Canadians say that government subsidies prevent the news media from reporting the news neutrally.

A poll commissioned by True North and conducted by One Persuasion shows that 55% of Canadians either moderately or strongly agree that news media companies dependent on taxpayer funding are incapable of impartially reporting on the government. Only 32% of Canadians disagree with the sentiment while 13% are unsure.

Younger Canadians are more distrustful of government subsidies to the legacy media, as 68% of men and 63% of women ages 18-34 agree subsidies hurt the media’s impartiality.

Those who voted for the federal Conservatives and People’s Party of Canada in 2021 are far more distrusting of the Trudeau government subsidizing the news media than their political adversaries, as 73% of Conservative voters and 80% of PPC voters believe the subsidies hurt the media’s impartiality.


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