in World News

Kamala’s Maduro Plan: #ComradeKamala Wants To Raise Taxes By $5 trillion

She just can’t help herself.  If Kamala Harris was smart, she would not have any specific policy positions.  She is not a serious candidate and she should not try to be one.  Her best chance of winning to to just wave and smile a lot.  When she was running on “joy” for the first couple of weeks, millions of Americans loved that.  Of course it was a total charade because just like Hillary Clinton, behind the scenes Kamala Harris is extremely mean and vicious.  That is why she has always had such a high turnover rate among her staff.  But if she had just kept running on “joy”, there is a very good chance that she could have won.

Unfortunately for Harris, she feels compelled to tell the American people what she actually plans to do once she becomes president.

And that is a really bad thing for her campaign, because just about everyone hates her ideas.

For example, why would she tell the American people that she wants to raise taxes?

I don’t know anyone that actually wants to pay more taxes.

She should have just said nothing about taxes and then raised them after the election.

By telling people in advance what she plans to do, she is just losing votes.

Americans for Tax Reform examined the plan that she has endorsed, and they concluded that it would raise taxes by 5 trillion dollars over the next 10 years.

The biggest chunk of that new money would come from raising the corporate tax rate from 21 percent to 28 percent

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris is proposing to increase the corporate tax rate to 28% from 21% if she wins a November election against Republican rival Donald Trump, her campaign said on Monday.

Harris campaign spokesperson James Singer said the move would be part of “a fiscally responsible way to put money back in the pockets of working people and ensure billionaires and big corporations pay their fair share.”

We are being told that raising the corporate tax rate to 28 percent would bring in about a trillion dollars in revenue over the course of the next ten years…

When Trump was president, he slashed the corporate tax rate to 21% from 35% and implemented other tax breaks that are set to expire next year. Trump has vowed to make the cuts permanent.

The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, a nonpartisan advocacy group, said on Monday that Harris’ proposal to raise the corporate income tax rate to 28% would reduce the U.S. deficit by $1 trillion over a decade.

But we certainly won’t raise that kind of revenue if corporations start moving out of the country in very large numbers.

If what Kamala Harris is proposing becomes law, we will actually have a higher corporate tax rate than communist China

Kamala Harris wants to hike the current 21% federal corporate income tax rate to 28%, higher than communist China’s 25% and the EU average of 21%, her campaign said Monday.

The Kamala Harris federal 28% rate is higher than the Asia average corporate tax rate of 19.8%, the EU average of 21%, the world average of 23.5%, and the OECD average of 23.7%.

full story at

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