in World News

Chicagoans Have Grim Warning For Venezuelan Apartment-Invading Gang-Bangers

Wes Walker Wes Walker

Chicago is NOT Colorado… ‘migrants’ will face a whole other kind of opposition

One of the big news stories in Colorado last month was when a large group of armed gang-bangers from Venezuela took control of not one, but two apartment buildings.

There was chilling doorbell footage of men with guns busting down doors, and a story of one local congressman helping one desperate resident relocate to a safer location.

Before the country had opportunity to fully digest the implications of THAT hostile takeover of a building, there were already reports of something similar going down in Chicago.

When police arrived on the scene, the armed men that multiple residents had reported to police were no longer there. But even before police had to respond to this situation, Chicogoans on social media had a warning for anyone fool enough to try in Chicago what others had done at those two Colorado locations.

Do NOT expect a warm welcome:

full story at

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