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Fed-up Citizens in Different Continents Step up Calls for Failed Globalist Leaders to ‘Do the Biden’ and Resign

Around the world – be it in the Americas, in Europe, or in Asia – citizens are quite fed-up with Globalist leaders and their failed, crippling policies that keep their countries away from social harmony and economic development.

So, now, there’s a new planetary neologism that encapsulates the longings of these citizens. It’s a call for these non-leaders to ‘do the Biden’ – and it’s catching up fast!

In several US-allied countries, we can see people starting to ask why their own leaders aren’t ‘doing the Biden’ and stepping aside so that someone else can take over.

New York Post reported:

“President Biden, 81, made history in July by dropping his reelection bid under intense pressure, and now demands for some other world leaders to follow suit and skedaddle from office are taking hold using variations of the new catchphrase.”

In particular, there are three allied countries where the people at the helm are plagued by very low approval ratings and are facing elections in the not-too-distant future: the least popular German Chancellor in history Olaf Scholz, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, and embattled Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

“Earlier this month, German news outlet Der Spiegel asked, ‘Why isn’t Scholz doing a Biden?’ while highlighting how Scholz’s coalition has been battered by regional election losses.

full story at

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