THE POOR DEARS: White House Reporters Claim They’re Already ‘Exhausted’ by Second Trump Administration
Donald Trump has not even been sworn in yet and White House journalists are already saying that they are ‘exhausted’ by the second Trump administration. Don’t you feel bad for them?
The vast majority of these people like it when Democrats are in charge because they can just act like stenographers, taking the government’s word on everything and rarely asking questions about anything.
Suddenly, when Trump (or any Republican, really) is in charge, they remember that they have to do their jobs and ask questions about things. Almost overnight, they feel the need to ‘fact check’ everything the government tells them. No wonder they’re tired.
FOX News reports:
White House reporters already ‘exhausted’ by second Trump administration
The White House press corps is already “exhausted” at the outset of the second Trump administration.
“Anybody who went through it the last time remembers how nonstop it was. It ends up kind of becoming all-consuming and taking over your life. It wears you down,” New York Times White House correspondent Peter Baker told Vanity Fair on Wednesday, adding that “you have to expect that covering a big story is, by definition, taxing because it’s important.”
Reporters commented on how President-elect Trump was already kicking off a hectic news cycle with his rapid policy and cabinet nomination announcements.