in World News

Doug Giles: The Importance Of Masculinity In Our Culture

Doug Giles Doug Giles

Skip Coryell’s ‘Home Defense Show’ has our own Doug Giles on to hit this big topic

n a Bizzaro-World generation where masculinity has become an accusation and not a badge of honor, it has fallen on some men to take a stand in defense of it. Doug Giles is among that number.

The image Skip chose for this episode, with the caption ‘Be The Man’ shows John Wayne. And this quote goes a long way to explaining that choice:

That’s the kind of traditional masculinity Skip features in his show.

In the recent edition of Skip Coryell’s ‘Home Defense Show’, Doug Giles is the featured guest. (He comes in around the 12-minute mark for anyone in a hurry.)

The topic? You guessed it: Masculinity.  But this one is a little different than most.

Doug hits the topic from an unconventional angle… the eye of an artist in a world that seldom portrays men marked by old-school strength, vitality and leadership.


n a Bizzaro-World generation where masculinity has become an accusation and not a badge of honor, it has fallen on some men to take a stand in defense of it. Doug Giles is among that number.

The image Skip chose for this episode, with the caption ‘Be The Man’ shows John Wayne. And this quote goes a long way to explaining that choice:

That’s the kind of traditional masculinity Skip features in his show.

In the recent edition of Skip Coryell’s ‘Home Defense Show’, Doug Giles is the featured guest. (He comes in around the 12-minute mark for anyone in a hurry.)

The topic? You guessed it: Masculinity. But this one is a little different than most.

Doug hits the topic from an unconventional angle… the eye of an artist in a world that seldom portrays men marked by old-school strength, vitality and leadership.


The PERFECT Gift For The Art Loving Warrior











Dear Fellow Warriors: My new book just dropped, GILES VOL. I: The Biblical Warrior Collection. It’s a full color coffee table compilation of my biblical paintings over the last 20yrs. As you know, I don’t depict the biblical men in this book as sweet bearded women but rough troublemakers who shook all of hell’s habitations. It’s a great gift for the male and female scrappy warriors on your Christmas list. Young kids will love it too. 70+ original paintings. 234 pages with the scriptural inspiration behind each painting. It’s a beautiful book.

RECOMMENDATIONS. “One reason I buy Doug’s priceless art is to make bold statements on the walls of my home. Lively discussions come alive to bring home the Gospel messages behind the brushstrokes gifted to Mr. Giles. Pastor Doug’s creativity in canvassing the Biblical perspective is daring and courageous.”
– Captain Robert Reinecker

For bulk purchases (More than 5 copies) we’re offering 50% off list price of $69.95 if you purchase directly from the publisher. Email Skip Coryell at [email protected] for this offer.

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