in World News

Fox News Medical Expert Kelly Powers Dies of Cancer at 45 After Suffering Heart Attack Live On Air


Fox News viewers are mourning the tragic death of Dr. Kelly Powers, who served as the network’s medical expert.

The 45-year-old surgeon died from an aggressive form of brain cancer, glioblastoma.

The cancer went into remission only to return this year.

The doctor shared her medical expertise with viewers on various shows and became a prominent fixture during the Covid pandemic.

Powers famously left Fox viewers stunned when she collapsed live on air and started having seizures caused by a heart attack.

“It’s crazy – I went into heart failure while doing a report on Fox Business – live – on heart health and talking about the subtle signs that women often miss,” she later said of the incident.

“You can’t make this up!”

Powers studied medicine at the New York College of Podiatric Medicine and completed her residency at Georgetown and Boston University.

A regular on “Red Eye,” “Fox & Friends,” and “The Willis Report,” Powers was open about her health struggle.

She called herself the “luckiest unlucky girl” after the cancer initially went into remission.

Powers was also blessed with a baby boy, Bennett.

She would joke that her treatment made her bald like her infant son, who is now 3.

Powers described her cancer diagnosis as one of two brushes with death after she was hospitalized with heart failure.

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