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Doctors Told to Cut Back on Prescribing Inhalers to Asthma Patients to Fight ‘Climate Change’


Doctors in Europe are now being told they must “consider the climate impact” when prescribing asthma inhalers for patients.

The move is part of a new European-wide curriculum being developed that will “infuse” the green agenda throughout the timetable.

Medical school leaders have said that future doctors will be expected to take “climate change” into account when treating patients,  The Telegraph reports.

They will also have more training on how to recognize and treat heatstroke over claims that “global warming” will impact public health.

Mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever will also become a more prominent part of the curriculum at European medical schools.

Insiders stressed that the curriculum is yet to be finalized, however.

Nevertheless, the advice about inhalers is just one option that could be considered.

The initiative is being overseen by the European Network on Climate and Health Education (ENCHE).

The organization is made up of a group of 25 medical schools led by the University of Glasgow in the UK.

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