in World News

Mysterious Chemical GAS FOG Around The World: Is This An Attack on the Population?

By M Winger

The terms “Particle fog” and “chemical gas fog” are trending right now.

It’s no secret that the Establishment view us as bugs that they keep trying to exterminate.

And what’s one way to exterminate bugs?


Parts of the US and all around the earth, people are experiencing a strange fog.

It’s a fog that has a chemical smell, causing flu-like symptoms in some residents.

A Floridian told the Daily Mail they felt sick after just 10 minutes outdoors.

The symptoms that were:


puffy eyes

fever-like warmth

stomach cramps.

The fog has drawn comparisons to the 1950 “Operation Sea-Spray.

That was a covert US Navy biological warfare experiment, fueling speculation and unease among locals.

Sounds like weather manipulation.

But don’t worry. The New York Post will ‘debunk’ this ‘conspiracy theory’ without using any facts.


New York Posts reports only a few of the findings:

Parts of the US have been blanketed by a “mysterious” fog, sparking concern from locals who claim it has a “chemical” smell and exposure can result in flu-like symptoms.

A Florida resident told the Daily Mail that they felt sick after being outside in the fog for just 10 minutes.

“Within about an hour, I kept sneezing over and over for about three hours, and my eyes were really puffy,” the unnamed Floridian claimed. “I got very warm and I felt like I had a fever, and my stomach was cramping.”

The Daily Mail reports that the occurrences have eerie echoes of “Operation Sea-Spray” — a secret biological warfare experiment conducted by the US Navy back in 1950.

At the time, serratia marcescens and bacillus globigii bacteria were sprayed over the San Francisco Bay area to determine how vulnerable a large American city may be to a bioweapon attack. At least one American was killed and 10 others were seriously sickened.

Someone in the comments makes a great point: “Take a sample and send it for analysis instead of preying for non information to gain likes on social media. “

Why don’t these reporters actually research the topic and investigate, instead of just say ‘that’s not true’ ?

Nothing to see here.

Please stop questioning things. And breathe this stuff in.


full story at

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