in World News

5% of All Deaths in Canada Are Caused by Euthanasia


Five percent of all recorded deaths in Canada are people who have been euthanized by the government, according to new statistics.

The latest data shows that, in 2023, euthanasia killed over 15,000 people in Canada.

The average age of those euthanized was 77.

According to the government statistics, around 95% were killed because they would have died in the “reasonably foreseeable” future due to conditions like cancer.

Nearly 40% of the deaths came in Quebec, which accounts for around 20% of the Canadian population.

The Canadian government legalized euthanasia in 2016.

The country joined the ranks of Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Austria, and the Netherlands.

There has been significant controversy over the introduction and expansion of Canada’s “Medically Assistance in Dying” (MAiD) program.

However, polling suggests that there is widespread support for the program.

In October, an expert committee reported that a growing number of patients are being killed despite not suffering from a terminal illness or unmanageable pain.

Many are now being euthanized for social reasons such as isolation, homelessness, or poverty.

Data suggest that those being euthanized in Ontario are far more likely to require disability support and be socially isolated.

In almost all cases, the patients were considered to be a burden on the state’s taxpayer-funded socialized healthcare system.


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