in Right Edition Videos

Debt Loads – Red Tape California – Kennesaw Georgia – Shot Show

Who Owns the US National Debt?

Key Takeaways

here are two kinds of national debt: intragovernmental and public. Intragovernmental is debt held by the Federal Reserve and Social Security and other government agencies. Public debt is held by the public: individual investors, institutions, foreign governments.
After intragovernmental holdings, the next largest category is national debt held by foreign governments. Of those, Japan has the most, followed by China.
The Federal Reserve also invests in U.S. national debt as it added liquidity to the economy during and after the Great Recession, and more recently during the pandemic.

The Federal Reserve is a Ponzi Scheme

Most Americans are proud to be American and consider the United States to be the greatest nation in all of history, and there are many things we can point to which substantiates this belief. However, everything in life is transitory and when all is said and done, history will judge that instead of America being something special to be admired, Americans were suckers who fell hook line and sinker for the worst Ponzi Scheme the world has ever seen: the Federal Reserve Bank, more commonly known as the Fed.

Gavin Newsom Vows to Cut His State’s Infamous ‘Bureaucratic Red Tape’ to Help Fire Victims ‘Rebuild Quickly’

Democratic California Governor Gavin Newsom signed an executive order Sunday allowing those who lost everything in this past week’s wildfires to navigate the state’s infamous bureaucratic nightmare and “rebuild quickly.”

Gavin Newsom Admits He is Receiving Advice from Hawaii’s Governor as ‘Speculators Come in, Buying Up Properties’ Amidst Wildfires

California Governor Gavin Newsom has openly admitted to collaborating with Hawaii Governor Josh Green on plans to address “land use concerns” following the devastating wildfires.

During an interview with Fox 11, Newsom revealed his intentions to take swift legal action in response to what he described as “speculators coming in, buying up properties.”

In this American town, guns are required by law

As the debate over guns continues in Washington and in communities across the country, there’s at least one place where owning a gun is technically required by law.

In Kennesaw, Georgia, local law says that “every head of household residing in the city limits is required to maintain a firearm.”

“If you’re going to commit a crime in Kennesaw and you’re the criminal – are you going to take a chance that that homeowner is a law-abiding citizen?” asked Kennesaw Mayor Derek Easterling.

Shot show

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