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New York ‘Migrants’ Fleeing Shelters Ahead Of ICE Coming To Round Folks Up

Wes Walker   Wes Walker

Maybe some folks didn’t really NEED these freebies after all

Ever since Biden opened the spigot on illegal immigration, NYC has been bursting at the seams with illegal immigrants… which produced the problem of where to you put everybody?

Like everyone else, they need some where to sleep at night. Deals were struck with hotels for the block-purchase of occupancy. A zero-vacancy guarantee with unspecified government incentives to sweeten the pot was difficult for many hotels to resist.

Almost overnight, hotels became refugee shelters, which caused all kinds of obvious second-order effects the left seems incapable of anticipating.

Positive benefits of these hotels, bringing tourists with spending money, for example, were lost. Negative impacts associated with poverty and crime came in their place.

For four years, municipal authorities in cities across America have been wringing their hands, trying to keep up with the growing hole in their budgets as the refugee crisis ate up more and more resources.

But as of today, the country is headed in a different direction. And people who were happy to sit back and enjoy a free ride on the taxpayer’s back have reevalutated their priorities. Suddenly, many of them are not so needy as to require a free stay at the official shelters, where ICE is sure to come knocking.

Migrants shacked up at Big Apple shelters are jittery over promised ICE raids on the eve of Donald Trump’s inauguration Monday — and many are ditching their tax-funded digs to duck deportation.

“It is better to leave before,” Venezuelan migrant Kervin Nava, 31, said outside a Long Island City shelter Sunday. “I am making arrangements, somewhere else.”

One Manhattan migrant who asked to be identified only as Rafael said the fear has gripped his shelter. — NYPost

Tom Homan has left little doubt that he’s serious about bringing the hammer down, especially on those who have flaunted US laws.

Here’s a taste of what’s being promised:

Trump has also pledged to pardon a still-unknown number of the 1,600 people charged in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, possibly “within the first nine minutes” of his administration. Aides have vacillated between raising expectations for blanket pardons or more limited pardons that would cover only nonviolent offenders.

[Trump Aid Stephen] Miller, at a rally on Sunday, emphasized the sweeping crackdown on immigration that’s in store.

“And what is that going to look like come Monday afternoon? It’s going to mean an executive order ending the border invasion, sending the illegals home and taking America back,” Miller said. “It’s going to mean the eradication of the criminal cartels and the foreign gangs who are preying [on] our people. And it’s going to mean justice for every American citizen who has lost a loved one to illegal aliens.” — Politico

In this issue, incentives matter. Not just at the border with the promise of a new life, but what your expectations are once you’re here.

If people believe they can live large at the expense of others, someone WILL take you up on that offer. But if they believe that troublemakers will be first in line to get thrown out by the scruff of the neck, they’ll hear that too.

It looks like they really have been listening to the political discourse.

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